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This topic was locked 20th Dec 09 at 6:52am by ashkir

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Re: Significant Other (6th Jan 08 at 4:03pm UTC)
Yup! {Grin}
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Re: Significant Other (6th Jan 08 at 4:04pm UTC)
Good. Just testing. {Grin}
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Re: Significant Other (6th Jan 08 at 4:08pm UTC)
That works {Tongue Out} Hey Wrighty are you bi?

well how else would they say it {Tongue Out} ?

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Re: Significant Other (6th Jan 08 at 4:09pm UTC)
That works {Tongue Out} Hey Wrighty are you bi?

well how else would they say it {Tongue Out} ?
Like this

/tie Wrighty up
/slap Wrighty
Are you gay?
Answer me

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Re: Significant Other (6th Jan 08 at 4:11pm UTC)
That works {Tongue Out} Hey Wrighty are you bi?

well how else would they say it {Tongue Out} ?
Like this

/tie Wrighty up
/slap Wrighty
Are you gay?
Answer me

Too much Wowing! {Tongue Out}
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Re: Significant Other (6th Jan 08 at 4:31pm UTC)
That works {Tongue Out} Hey Wrighty are you bi?

well how else would they say it {Tongue Out} ?
Like this

/tie Wrighty up
/slap Wrighty
Are you gay?
Answer me

XD, literally laughed out loud..

but let's try to get back on topic {Unsure}

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Re: Significant Other (6th Jan 08 at 6:51pm UTC)
I still think at my age there isn't any point in really dating since the chances of making it through the rest of the year, then highschool, then college and living a life are probably as good as being struck by lightning.

If you're willing to make it work and your partner is, then it can. My girlfriend and i have been together for just over 2 1/2 years and most of that time he has been at University 250 miles away. It's all down to dedication, will and love {Smile}

Your not my age though.


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Re: Significant Other (6th Jan 08 at 7:10pm UTC)
I still think at my age there isn't any point in really dating since the chances of making it through the rest of the year, then highschool, then college and living a life are probably as good as being struck by lightning.

If you're willing to make it work and your partner is, then it can. My girlfriend and i have been together for just over 2 1/2 years and most of that time he has been at University 250 miles away. It's all down to dedication, will and love {Smile}

Your not my age though.

age shouldn't matter

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Re: Significant Other (6th Jan 08 at 7:16pm UTC)

If you're willing to make it work and your partner is, then it can. My girlfriend and i have been together for just over 2 1/2 years and most of that time he has been at University 250 miles away. It's all down to dedication, will and love {Smile}

Your not my age though.

age shouldn't matter

Very true. At the end of the day, if you care enough then age won't matter.
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Re: Significant Other (6th Jan 08 at 7:24pm UTC)
I still think at my age there isn't any point in really dating since the chances of making it through the rest of the year, then highschool, then college and living a life are probably as good as being struck by lightning.

Quite a few of my friends have been dating since grade 8/9, some are in uni now and still dating, another are engaged, and my two best friends have been dating for the past two years, and plan on getting married shortly after graduation. {Smile}

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Re: Significant Other (6th Jan 08 at 8:17pm UTC)
I still think at my age there isn't any point in really dating since the chances of making it through the rest of the year, then highschool, then college and living a life are probably as good as being struck by lightning.

Quite a few of my friends have been dating since grade 8/9, some are in uni now and still dating, another are engaged, and my two best friends have been dating for the past two years, and plan on getting married shortly after graduation. {Smile}

Just make sure that you really understand what is going on, go find yourself basically. I had been dating this one girl on and off and it was horrible because I didn't really get what I was doing or who I was. Just be sure you know who you are and what you want in a person. My girl and I really want to be together forever, etc.
Also, if you can't make it through 4 years of high school and then a few months apart (seeing as you see each other every now and again) then you definitely don't love each other

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Re: Significant Other (6th Jan 08 at 9:44pm UTC)
I still think at my age there isn't any point in really dating since the chances of making it through the rest of the year, then highschool, then college and living a life are probably as good as being struck by lightning.

Quite a few of my friends have been dating since grade 8/9, some are in uni now and still dating, another are engaged, and my two best friends have been dating for the past two years, and plan on getting married shortly after graduation. {Smile}

I knew a couple kids that were planning that too, something happened over summer break and they never want to speak again.


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Re: Significant Other (7th Jan 08 at 1:55am UTC)
I still think at my age there isn't any point in really dating since the chances of making it through the rest of the year, then highschool, then college and living a life are probably as good as being struck by lightning.

Quite a few of my friends have been dating since grade 8/9, some are in uni now and still dating, another are engaged, and my two best friends have been dating for the past two years, and plan on getting married shortly after graduation. {Smile}

I knew a couple kids that were planning that too, something happened over summer break and they never want to speak again.

summer break... gah... let's not go there.. stuff does happen {Tongue Out}

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Re: Significant Other (7th Jan 08 at 2:03am UTC)
Alone in the world, I am. D:

Same here {Sad}

Had one for almost 2yrs. Found something out and i kick her ass out!

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