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This topic was locked 20th Dec 09 at 6:52am by ashkir
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Re: Significant Other (6th Jan 08 at 3:14pm UTC)
Trust me I tried before I did the note. And no it wasn't a her. I don't date women.
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Re: Significant Other (6th Jan 08 at 3:15pm UTC)
Trust me I tried before I did the note. And no it wasn't a her. I don't date women.

Ah... I would hide from Wrighty for now on {Tongue Out}

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Re: Significant Other (6th Jan 08 at 3:16pm UTC)
Trust me I tried before I did the note. And no it wasn't a her. I don't date women.

Fair enough {Smile} As long as you did as much as possible under the circumstances {Smile}

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Re: Significant Other (6th Jan 08 at 3:20pm UTC)
Trust me I tried before I did the note. And no it wasn't a her. I don't date women.

Ah... I would hide from Wrighty for now on {Tongue Out}

Shutup... Just cause the guy's gay doesn't mean I'm going to jump on him now!
@ ashkir... I wouldn't have stood for that either... I can't stand smokers! >.< (to date anyway!)
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Re: Significant Other (6th Jan 08 at 3:23pm UTC)
It took me years to tell myself I was gay. I'm glad it's out for me, my brothers and most of my friends know. ^_^ It was hard as hell, but I'm glad it's out.

And yes, I did it because I thought it would be a bad influence on me. Why do I want to change my entire personality for one person? No matter how much I like them, that wasn't for me. And smokers...I can stand them, smoke doesn't bother me, but I don't prefer smokers.

I don't care what the outside is. I am in for personality and who they are.

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Re: Significant Other (6th Jan 08 at 3:34pm UTC)
It took me years to tell myself I was gay. I'm glad it's out for me, my brothers and most of my friends know. ^_^ It was hard as hell, but I'm glad it's out.

And yes, I did it because I thought it would be a bad influence on me. Why do I want to change my entire personality for one person? No matter how much I like them, that wasn't for me. And smokers...I can stand them, smoke doesn't bother me, but I don't prefer smokers.

I don't care what the outside is. I am in for personality and who they are.

Well to an extent it's the same for me... I hasn't come out at all to my family or friends! {Unsure}
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Re: Significant Other (6th Jan 08 at 3:36pm UTC)
It took me years to tell myself I was gay. I'm glad it's out for me, my brothers and most of my friends know. ^_^ It was hard as hell, but I'm glad it's out.

someone keeps trying to turn me gay or at least bi, but I really love this girl...
And I think if I had to choose between a girl that a horrible personality and a guy with a good one, i would probably choose the guy


I don't care what the outside is. I am in for personality and who they are.


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Re: Significant Other (6th Jan 08 at 3:38pm UTC)
It took me years to tell myself I was gay. I'm glad it's out for me, my brothers and most of my friends know. ^_^ It was hard as hell, but I'm glad it's out.

And yes, I did it because I thought it would be a bad influence on me. Why do I want to change my entire personality for one person? No matter how much I like them, that wasn't for me. And smokers...I can stand them, smoke doesn't bother me, but I don't prefer smokers.

I don't care what the outside is. I am in for personality and who they are.

Well to an extent it's the same for me... I hasn't come out at all to my family or friends! {Unsure}
You have no idea how hard it is to. My parents don't know. I know they'd kill me, they still talk all the time how they hate gay people. My brothers found out on thier own. My friends, a few of them pressured me to tell them. A few of them don't know, but most do.

One of my closest friends became my girlfriend just to get my parents off my back. She knows why too. She's just happy she got a free limo ride to the prom with me. XD

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Re: Significant Other (6th Jan 08 at 3:40pm UTC)
Rofl... that's one way to get them off your back..

Nah, I'm sure people think I'm gay, but I'm bi.. so hmmm... I has to come out at some stage... maybe when I goes to uni (in about 7 months) I'll come out! {Cheesy}
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Re: Significant Other (6th Jan 08 at 3:41pm UTC)
It took me years to tell myself I was gay. I'm glad it's out for me, my brothers and most of my friends know. ^_^ It was hard as hell, but I'm glad it's out.

And yes, I did it because I thought it would be a bad influence on me. Why do I want to change my entire personality for one person? No matter how much I like them, that wasn't for me. And smokers...I can stand them, smoke doesn't bother me, but I don't prefer smokers.

I don't care what the outside is. I am in for personality and who they are.

Well to an extent it's the same for me... I hasn't come out at all to my family or friends! {Unsure}
You have no idea how hard it is to. My parents don't know. I know they'd kill me, they still talk all the time how they hate gay people. My brothers found out on thier own. My friends, a few of them pressured me to tell them. A few of them don't know, but most do.

One of my closest friends became my girlfriend just to get my parents off my back. She knows why too. She's just happy she got a free limo ride to the prom with me. XD

Hehe, nice. My parents would probably die of hard attack.. I actually technically dated a guy for a day, but we both decided that I was just bi-curious and didn't want an unstable relationship. We are still good friends and all {Cheesy}

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Re: Significant Other (6th Jan 08 at 3:42pm UTC)
Rofl... that's one way to get them off your back..

Nah, I'm sure people think I'm gay, but I'm bi.. so hmmm... I has to come out at some stage... maybe when I goes to uni (in about 7 months) I'll come out! {Cheesy}
oy! xD. Good way. Just introduce yourself to new people as gay/bi? xD

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Re: Significant Other (6th Jan 08 at 3:58pm UTC)
Why introduce myself as that? If people ask, then they find out... I'm not going to tell them I am, but I'm not going to stop them knowing! {Tongue Out}
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Re: Significant Other (6th Jan 08 at 3:59pm UTC)
xD. So it will be up to their curiousity then? Clever git. =P

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Re: Significant Other (6th Jan 08 at 4:01pm UTC)
hehe.... I'm smart! {Grin}

Anyway... yeah, if people ask then I'll tell them! {Tongue Out}
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Re: Significant Other (6th Jan 08 at 4:02pm UTC)
That works {Tongue Out} Hey Wrighty are you bi?
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