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Question: What is your favorite web browser?
Users may vote for 1 option
Public Results: Votes made in this poll will be shown to all users
Mozilla Firefox[############################################################] (13 Votes / 59%)
ajay, tricky.cb, darkmage, Marc, Tyson, real_decimic, Mason Fett™, Mithras, Graham, [.tR] ookie1, MiNiCliP™, I Anoop I, Michael
Opera[#####] (1 Vote / 5%)
Internet Explorer[###################] (4 Votes / 18%)
Ross, snakeair, allan, ManGoneMad
Avant Web Browser[#####] (1 Vote / 5%)
Davey Jones
Other[##############] (3 Votes / 14%)
Entold, Pixel Drixel (gfxman), blanka
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Re: What's your favorite browser? (15th May 08 at 9:49pm UTC)
oh ok, because the way the desktop is set up with the icons at the bottom the way Mac's are.
Re: What's your favorite browser? (15th May 08 at 9:52pm UTC)
Go here: http://www.apple.com/safari/download/ Idk if this will be deleted. Lol wrighty just sayin. Yeah I downloaded safari from apple and haven't had problems.

My Desktop: http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/6565/mydesktopbn9.png

Lol Kinda Cluttered.

You have an apple? looks like the ibook.

No I don't have a Mac. I got it from apple (safari). Soon to get a mac book pro with Flash, Dreamweaver, Indesign, and some others.

Oh That's cool. I want to get one too! {Smile} .
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Re: What's your favorite browser? (16th May 08 at 12:34am UTC)
Everyone likes firefox

Not everyone {Tongue Out}
I used firefox a couple of times and really hated it

coming soon
Re: What's your favorite browser? (16th May 08 at 8:33pm UTC)
Everyone likes firefox

Not everyone {Tongue Out}
I used firefox a couple of times and really hated it

How come you hated firefox?
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