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Question: What is your favorite web browser?
Users may vote for 1 option
Public Results: Votes made in this poll will be shown to all users
Mozilla Firefox[############################################################] (13 Votes / 59%)
ajay, tricky.cb, darkmage, Marc, Tyson, real_decimic, Mason Fett™, Mithras, Graham, [.tR] ookie1, MiNiCliP™, I Anoop I, Michael
Opera[#####] (1 Vote / 5%)
Internet Explorer[###################] (4 Votes / 18%)
Ross, snakeair, allan, ManGoneMad
Avant Web Browser[#####] (1 Vote / 5%)
Davey Jones
Other[##############] (3 Votes / 14%)
Entold, Pixel Drixel (gfxman), blanka


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Re: What's your favorite browser? (29th Apr 08 at 10:40pm UTC)
I still use IE7 for 90% of my browsing as I find it starts up very quickly (especially compared to firefox) and browses pretty quickly too. However I will use Fx quite a bit when testing layouts/templates.

Just leave it open {Tongue Out}

I don't leave my machine on all the time, I can't leave it open when my machine is running another memory intensive program (like a game) & I know I use 2/3 different machines a day. So that extra wait for the browser to load does add up.

And even then, I still find IE will load most pages quicker than Fx. I know I'm outnumbered though so am not going to bother trying to prove my point {Tongue Out}

Re: What's your favorite browser? (29th Apr 08 at 10:49pm UTC)
I still use IE7 for 90% of my browsing as I find it starts up very quickly (especially compared to firefox) and browses pretty quickly too. However I will use Fx quite a bit when testing layouts/templates.

Just leave it open {Tongue Out}

I don't leave my machine on all the time, I can't leave it open when my machine is running another memory intensive program (like a game) & I know I use 2/3 different machines a day. So that extra wait for the browser to load does add up.

And even then, I still find IE will load most pages quicker than Fx. I know I'm outnumbered though so am not going to bother trying to prove my point {Tongue Out}

Lol {Tongue Out} . I don't leave my laptop on all the time either. Just sometimes.
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Re: What's your favorite browser? (30th Apr 08 at 2:47am UTC)
Ill stick with my slow aol {Tongue Out}


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Re: What's your favorite browser? (30th Apr 08 at 6:46am UTC)
Why can't I vote for more than 1 option? {Sad}
[.tR] ookie1
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Re: What's your favorite browser? (30th Apr 08 at 7:20am UTC)
FF ftw


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Re: What's your favorite browser? (30th Apr 08 at 9:22pm UTC)
IE7 for me. Although i need to install other browser's to see if my custom template work's 100% in them.

Since i don't fee like downloading anything tonight, i'm going to drink a beer and talk to IE7 a little. Just thank IE7 for saving all my pretty little web favorites.

aaaah, Snakie loosing his mind. Time to cut the grass outside. I wish one of the browser's could mow the lawn for me.

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Re: What's your favorite browser? (1st May 08 at 2:36am UTC)
I always have and always will use Avant.



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Re: What's your favorite browser? (7th May 08 at 3:56pm UTC)
i voted for IE but i actually use Maxthon which is a beefed version

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Mason Fett™
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Re: What's your favorite browser? (8th May 08 at 5:13am UTC)
I have IE, but it sucks. Maybe it's because I haven't upgraded it yet. {Tongue Out}

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Re: What's your favorite browser? (8th May 08 at 7:51pm UTC)
I still use IE7 for 90% of my browsing as I find it starts up very quickly (especially compared to firefox) and browses pretty quickly too. However I will use Fx quite a bit when testing layouts/templates.

Just leave it open {Tongue Out}

{Tongue Out} . Ie7 is ok for me. I don't like it that much. It slows down my computer a little.
I Anoop I
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Re: What's your favorite browser? (13th May 08 at 9:42pm UTC)
Firefox all the way.

Re: What's your favorite browser? (13th May 08 at 9:54pm UTC)
Everyone likes firefox. {Smile}
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Re: What's your favorite browser? (14th May 08 at 4:56pm UTC)
Posted By ajay on 13th May 08 at 9:54pm
Everyone likes firefox. {Smile}

Of Course, its the best browser, very safe and effective. It always loads up fast for me, I think it has to deal with the computer, it don't matter how fast your internet speed is, because you can have a fast internet conection, and it will still browse slowly, take my laptop and my moms desktop for a example. My lptop is fast, so I browse faster, my moms computer is old, and runs a bit slower. school has fast internet, their computers are new, but it still runs slow, im on my lptop, and it runs faster.
Re: What's your favorite browser? (14th May 08 at 5:33pm UTC)
What about the new safari for windows? I use that sometimes. {Smile}
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Re: What's your favorite browser? (14th May 08 at 6:20pm UTC)
I tried to get Safari but it kept on saying "file corrupted" from apple's site. and I was downloading the windows version, I made sure, double checked.
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