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Re: Ask The Staff (23rd Mar 08 at 9:58pm UTC)
Depend on what you mean by "HQ"? {Confused}
I mean like a base of operations, where all meetings take place, like a military base in a way.

(sorry, i'm not sure how to describe it)

The staff board. {Tongue Out}

How long have I been staff? I don't know the exact date; I didn't even notice I had been modded until I had been browsing the forum for about 10 minutes and noticed I had a "congrats" PM. {Tongue Out}

*Goes to find PM*

*Find PM*

December 30th, 2007...so that's just under three months.

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.

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Re: Ask The Staff (23rd Mar 08 at 10:20pm UTC)
How long have you been staff for VF?

Same as Marc. Him and I were the first Mods! {Cool} [Though I was modded just before him {Tongue Out} ] Just after Ross did the first HUGE update to the software and introduced groups! :]

Can I be a mascot?

Are you sexy?
Well, there's your answer! {Smile}

All the staff: Is Wrighty really a noob?

A n00b that knows where the ban hammer is! {Cool}
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Re: Ask The Staff (23rd Mar 08 at 10:31pm UTC)
A n00b that knows where the ban hammer is! {Cool}

For Marc:How long are you going to keep the "look in sig" text by your name?

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Re: Ask The Staff (23rd Mar 08 at 11:47pm UTC)
How long have you been staff for VF?

Same as Marc. Him and I were the first Mods! {Cool} [Though I was modded just before him {Tongue Out} ] Just after Ross did the first HUGE update to the software and introduced groups! :]

Can I be a mascot?

Are you sexy?
Well, there's your answer! {Smile}

All the staff: Is Wrighty really a noob?

A n00b that knows where the ban hammer is! {Cool}

Pah, you don't have a ban hammer...a "warn" hammer, but not a ban hammer {Tongue Out}

For the record, Wrighty's a noob sometimes, only during the mods late night chats on MSN where Marc and i pwn him {Tongue Out}
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I <3 Rossy

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Re: Ask The Staff (24th Mar 08 at 12:03am UTC)
How long have you been staff for VF?

Same as Marc. Him and I were the first Mods! {Cool} [Though I was modded just before him {Tongue Out} ] Just after Ross did the first HUGE update to the software and introduced groups! :]

Feel special. {Tongue Out}

For Marc:How long are you going to keep the "look in sig" text by your name?

Twelve years. {Cool}

To be honest, I don't know. Until I feel like changing it, I suppose. {Tongue Out}

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Re: Ask The Staff (24th Mar 08 at 12:08am UTC)
I read that and I though I'd find some paragraph explaining that you could no longer visit vForums due to the massive global pollution rate rising. But nooooooo, I find a link to the honesty box {Tongue Out}

Wrighty: What is life like being called a noob constantly? How many times has Graham, and Marc pwned you? And how?


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I <3 Rossy

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Re: Ask The Staff (24th Mar 08 at 12:12am UTC)
I read that and I though I'd find some paragraph explaining that you could no longer visit vForums due to the massive global pollution rate rising. But nooooooo, I find a link to the honesty box {Tongue Out}

Wrighty: What is life like being called a noob constantly? How many times has Graham, and Marc pwned you? And how?

To answer the second and third question, we've pwnd him numerous times; I believe there is currently a supercomputer in a government building hidden underground at the moment which is struggling to keep up with it; it's expected to explode within the next two days. {Tongue Out}

As for how we pwn him; if we gave that away then everyone else would be pwning him too, and that we can't have. {Grin}

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.
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Re: Ask The Staff (24th Mar 08 at 12:22am UTC)
To all staff:Does anyone outside the computer such as friends, family, ETC, know your a VF mod? do they care? do you ever have a stranger run up to you and say "aren't you blank, VF mod?" (it may be 2 early for that)

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I <3 Rossy

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Re: Ask The Staff (24th Mar 08 at 12:43am UTC)
Only one of my friends that I know of are into message boards, so yeah, only he knows. {Tongue Out}

As for your stranger question, no. {Tongue Out}

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.

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Re: Ask The Staff (24th Mar 08 at 1:30am UTC)
I read that and I though I'd find some paragraph explaining that you could no longer visit vForums due to the massive global pollution rate rising. But nooooooo, I find a link to the honesty box {Tongue Out}

Wrighty: What is life like being called a noob constantly? How many times has Graham, and Marc pwned you? And how?

Actually, I never get called a n00b. My alter-ego does. I'm merely Ross in disguise! {Cool}

They think they pwn me, I just then tell them I'm a n00b coder, and they agree! {Tongue Out}

They just prod me! {Sad}

To all staff:Does anyone outside the computer such as friends, family, ETC, know your a VF mod? do they care? do you ever have a stranger run up to you and say "aren't you blank, VF mod?" (it may be 2 early for that)

@1st: No {Tongue Out}

@2nd: Yes, someone came up to me today... reminds me, gotta warn that guy, 50% sounds about right... Just for stalking me! {Tongue Out}
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Re: Ask The Staff (24th Mar 08 at 1:40am UTC)
To Any Staff: What is your favorite TV show?
To anyone that knows the answer: Why was it decided to name this place Virtual Forums? Why not something else?


Recoding the future

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Re: Ask The Staff (24th Mar 08 at 1:44am UTC)
To Any Staff: What is your favorite TV show?
To anyone that knows the answer: Why was it decided to name this place Virtual Forums? Why not something else?

Family Guy FTW!

What something else would you call it?

it's 'v'forums not, virtual forums! {Tongue Out}

Anyway, virtual as in 'not real' as you never get to download it I guess, something like that anyway. Ask Ross! {Tongue Out}
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I <3 Rossy

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Re: Ask The Staff (24th Mar 08 at 1:59am UTC)
To Any Staff: What is your favorite TV show?
To anyone that knows the answer: Why was it decided to name this place Virtual Forums? Why not something else?

Favourite Show: Family Guy
Why "Virtual Forums" ? Cause it can be. {Tongue Out}

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.
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Re: Ask The Staff (24th Mar 08 at 2:08am UTC)
To all staff:Wats the most stressful part about being mod of a compny like this? Have you ever regretted being mod? If you could, would you go back as a member?


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Re: Ask The Staff (24th Mar 08 at 2:09am UTC)
To all staff:Wats the most stressful part about being mod of a compny like this? Have you ever regretted being mod? If you could, would you go back as a member?

1) People asking to be staff
2 + 3 = no
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