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Re: Ask The Staff (27th Mar 08 at 2:41pm UTC)
Dreggie was first person i seen had added it. Anyway

Will there ever be a version 2 soon? or will it be updates all the time?

My feelings on having set versions is that they waste time. Provided the code is written in a sensible, efficient manner then there shouldn't be any need to rewrite it all at once. Instead I'm rewriting it in small sections which means you get the new features like in a new version but you don't get the long wait. The only time I can think there will be a need to do a version 2 would be if the core layout was majorly changed; but until all browsers start to agree on some standards that isn't really feasible.

I believe you were talking about an increment counter that puts us somewhere around 1.5.6, correct? Will it change over to version 2 after 1.9.9? {Tongue Out}

Nope, it'll become 1.10.0 {Tongue Out}

@Felix, like Graham I'm having trouble thinking of anything which either hasn't been implemented yet or isn't going to be implemented soon {Unsure}


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Re: Ask The Staff (27th Mar 08 at 3:48pm UTC)
If you could implement one vForums feature, even if not possible at this time, what would it be?

I have another question: Why didn't you answer my first one?


{Tongue Out}

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Re: Ask The Staff (27th Mar 08 at 5:16pm UTC)
This goes to Blanka and Slip:I don't mean any offense, but both of you seem to be the least active of the staff, does this bother you at all? do you wish you were more active?

No frankly it doesn't bother me at all that I don't have 2000 posts within a month of joining. {Smile} I can't be maximally active every forum I am on - it depends on the kind of responsibility I have. ProVision for example - I have to keep an eye on way more than I do here. And I'm ok with that.

As of now, the graphics area of this support board is not really the primary focus and isn't meant to be. Forum support and coding are. Consequently, staff members that are directly involved in that are more active.

Aside from that, yea I do plan on getting more active as soon as I can. This is just the beginning. VForums is gonna be getting really big really soon.

To Slip: Your staff on pretty much every forum I've seen you on.. doesn't it get a little hectic trying to take care of them?

Well I am on staff only at ProVision, SOS and here as of now {Tongue Out} but yea it does get hectic trying to juggle these and web design and my offline life {Smile}
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Re: Ask The Staff (28th Mar 08 at 1:53am UTC)
This goes to Blanka and Slip:I don't mean any offense, but both of you seem to be the least active of the staff, does this bother you at all? do you wish you were more active?

No frankly it doesn't bother me at all that I don't have 2000 posts within a month of joining. {Smile} I can't be maximally active every forum I am on - it depends on the kind of responsibility I have. ProVision for example - I have to keep an eye on way more than I do here. And I'm ok with that.

As of now, the graphics area of this support board is not really the primary focus and isn't meant to be. Forum support and coding are. Consequently, staff members that are directly involved in that are more active.

Aside from that, yea I do plan on getting more active as soon as I can. This is just the beginning. VForums is gonna be getting really big really soon.

To Slip: Your staff on pretty much every forum I've seen you on.. doesn't it get a little hectic trying to take care of them?

Well I am on staff only at ProVision, SOS and here as of now {Tongue Out} but yea it does get hectic trying to juggle these and web design and my offline life {Smile}

Just to add to what's been said, all the staff do plenty of behind-the-scenes work. Almost every change, even small, is discussed by staff and everyone contributes to both brainstorming ideas for the situation as well as helping make the change happen; thousands of posts or not. {Smile}

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Re: Ask The Staff (28th Mar 08 at 2:19am UTC)
When do you think vForums will go into v2?
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Re: Ask The Staff (28th Mar 08 at 3:31am UTC)

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.


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Re: Ask The Staff (28th Mar 08 at 4:45am UTC)
Ross: When will you implement the Main Profile Templating system? {Grin}


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Re: Ask The Staff (28th Mar 08 at 10:48pm UTC)
Ross: When will you implement the Main Profile Templating system? {Grin}

I didn't think there were any plans for one {Tongue Out} I believe Wrighty wrote a MYO Profile code anyway.


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Re: Ask The Staff (28th Mar 08 at 11:13pm UTC)
Ross: When will you implement the Main Profile Templating system? {Grin}

I didn't think there were any plans for one {Tongue Out} I believe Wrighty wrote a MYO Profile code anyway.

Don't think I did yet! {Tongue Out}


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Re: Ask The Staff (29th Mar 08 at 6:28am UTC)
Ross: When will you implement the Main Profile Templating system? {Grin}

I didn't think there were any plans for one {Tongue Out} I believe Wrighty wrote a MYO Profile code anyway.

You should make it templating tho *winks* and there were plans you even were gonna add the templating system for board mods! Sides IC, Mini Proifle and Main Profile are the sexiest to have templeting on, lots of advantages.

Should also add a hidden field for Only Profile page too..but i'll keep that for suggestions later {Tongue Out}


Now obsession rules my mind
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Re: Ask The Staff (29th Mar 08 at 6:49am UTC)
Ross: What do you think about the Quick reply? What do you think could, or would be changed in the near future for the Quick Reply?
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Re: Ask The Staff (30th Mar 08 at 4:51pm UTC)
Ross: How do you go about making a Forum, And its Servers?
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Re: Ask The Staff (30th Mar 08 at 5:29pm UTC)
Ross: How do you go about making a Forum, And its Servers?

I know this was directed at Ross, but this is a pretty general question so I'll give it a go. Ross can still reply if he pleases. {Smile}

vForums is coded in PHP. First he coded a base which allowed for modules to easily be added on. From there he went ahead and did the posting systems, private messaging systems, etc. After he had it done for the most part, he opened it up and got to coding a few hundred suggestions into the software, which is an ongoing battle, so to speak. {Tongue Out}

As for the servers, vForums is hosted by Big Wet Fish. Currently it operates on two servers; one for mail functions, the other for the forums. {Smile}

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Re: Ask The Staff (30th Mar 08 at 6:14pm UTC)
I see. i totally don't and wouldn't understand if I were to maker one, But thanks {Smile} lol

Anyone that isn't an Adminstrator: Why do you think you were the "chosen" ones to be made Moderators, Or others? Was it because you were talented in something or another?


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Re: Ask The Staff (30th Mar 08 at 6:19pm UTC)
I see. i totally don't and wouldn't understand if I were to maker one, But thanks {Smile} lol

Anyone that isn't an Adminstrator: Why do you think you were the "chosen" ones to be made Moderators, Or others? Was it because you were talented in something or another?

So anyone that isn't Ross? {Tongue Out}

I think it's because I was contributing quite well to the forum. I offered lots of coding support, and also regular support. As well as suggesting new things and reporting bugs. I guess my lack of talent as a coder got me somewhere.

But as all the other staff will say. I'm the n00b of the team. You gotsta have a n00b! {Tongue Out}
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