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Re: Infinity Codes (1st Nov 08 at 6:06am UTC)
Actually the wallpaper does match the forum {Wink} It's just hard to tell, I had this forum on another service and the skin is the one that I felt deserved to move with the forum. The banner is supposed to look the way it is. I added a Blur effect.

The request/complain is supposed to serve a different purpose then the suggestions. But seeing as how the r/c board was so popular 3 years ago, I had used it allot. But I most likely will take it out.

The Programming Discussion; I put that there by accident and well never really got around to move it. I will eventually.

Yes I know coding forums are hard to run. We did use some codes from the database here, and added in our own custom ones, some that I created for Info centers, some that Dwight created for board modifications, some CSS,

I am now starting to learn some coding because vF is so flexible and easy, I can learn this software. I just need to learn JavaScript. I know some that are not of vF, but of my own, such as counting up and count down, as well as a game language translator from the Game Final Fantasy X call Al Bhed Translator, but other then that I don't know much. But I'm learning {Smile}
Re: Infinity Codes (2nd Nov 08 at 2:49am UTC)
Okay, that all works. And I believe you about the banner and background matching, as long as your members think the same or don't care. {Tongue Out}
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Re: Infinity Codes (2nd Nov 08 at 4:43am UTC)
Plus if a User don't like the default skin, they can just simply use the other alt. skins {Smile}
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Re: Infinity Codes (9th Feb 09 at 6:53am UTC)
I found the right clicking 'Stealing is Illegal!!!' message very annoying. I was clicking on a link to have it open in a new tab. =/. The default skin, text on the very bottom of the forum is very hard to read. Red against red.

However your revamped version I think it is one of your better designs. The menu links seem to have a different colour background of a pixel range offsetting to the bottom and the top. Your border doesn't seem to go with the flow; and yet, the black border on your head image doesn't exactly come down to an end and I feel if the black border remains it should perhaps be around your whole board wrapper?

The info center layouts of displaying past and / last twenty four hours confused me slightly.

on the icodesv2 skin your 'Help' and 'login' buttons seem smaller then your Home and Search. Your Register button has the top cut off. Menu of course.
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Re: Infinity Codes (9th Feb 09 at 7:43am UTC)
The disable right clicking should only be on images only. So for regular links it should have no problem. But if you are having problem with it (Left click - Drag - Drop.) I normally do that. Much easier. I will see what I can do about that. Later on I will be making a new skin. I just never have the time. With School now, and playing games. (If you don't already know I gave up on allot of forums, mostly my RP forums. So someone else owns them now.)

It's not the menu image it's self, its the code that moves them. I can't seem to move it right. Dwight got it that way because when I was trying to do it, it was all messed up.

Which border? the one around the boards? or the outside boarder?

The top one is the members that are online now. and the bottom one is showing the members that were on.

for the iCodes V2 skin that's when I had Paint Shop Pro 9, and not when I had PhotoShop CS2. But I used smaller images for that, and could not fit the text on it {Unsure}

But other then that, as soon as I get more time, I will be making a new skin.
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