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Infinity Codes (11th Oct 08 at 6:35am UTC)

Ok my forum need MAJOR help!

The skins were already there from awhile back, but I want to bring the forum back. What do YOU think should be added/taken out?

I really REALLY need it to get it done so I can help people with the Basic codes, then later on when I can get staff I can have a more advanced coding team. I have someone in mind that I hope does not mind {Smile} You know who you are {Wink}

But I really need the help on this one!

Thanks in advanced!
Re: Infinity Codes (11th Oct 08 at 6:41am UTC)
{Smile} I am guessing i would be the one you are making a reference to?
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Re: Infinity Codes (11th Oct 08 at 6:52am UTC)
Umm.... Yeah! {Grin} {Tongue Out}

So what you say?

Anyone else? (No one has to join) Just give me a rate is all {Smile}
Re: Infinity Codes (11th Oct 08 at 6:55am UTC)
ok {Smile} sure I am down, I an still learning advanced coding, but it will be really good practice. I'll register tomorrow though.

Edit: Ok now for a rating, its a 5/10 from what I can see.

Skin: Its very nice, but its hard to read the text, maybe use a lighter blue. As well the table at the bottom could use some work, maybe using the code me and ross worked on and switch out the sites query with your copyright, just a suggestion. And thats all i can see from what I can see {Tongue Out}
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Re: Infinity Codes (11th Oct 08 at 7:01am UTC)
Ok cool thanks ^_^ <---(wow a smiley I have not used in a while {Tongue Out} )
Re: Infinity Codes (11th Oct 08 at 7:06am UTC)
ok then, well I left a rate for you in my last post
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Re: Infinity Codes (11th Oct 08 at 7:10am UTC)
Ok I most likely will change the font color to a lighter blue, and I know I need to change on the on/off icons to something else other then a single color {Tongue Out}

Oh and that 5/10 will come up to maybe 8 or 9/10 with your help {Smile}
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Re: Infinity Codes (13th Oct 08 at 12:50am UTC)
Dude.... its pretty much impossible to read the text on your banner.. And i have to say i really dislike your skin. The text is floating in a sea of black, making it hard to read and your on/off icons are just... squares... You've broken one of my colour rules, you have black on white. Maybe make the text more similar to your link colour and change the background from black to dark grey?
You also dont have any codes, and thats a turn away from the beginning. I mean i know your a new community but it just seems like you have nothing to offer, why would anyone join if you dont live up to your namesake?
[.tR] ookie1
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Re: Infinity Codes (13th Oct 08 at 7:32am UTC)
Need a simple but sleek skin, and use Arial and Verdana for the fonts. {Cheesy}


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Re: Infinity Codes (13th Oct 08 at 1:59pm UTC)
Thanks ookie, The skin is going to be made, by Dwight, and I changed the Times New Roman to the Verdana,arial fonts.

I used the roman as a test one to see how it looks, but I just forgot to change it {Tongue Out}
[.tR] ookie1
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Re: Infinity Codes (14th Oct 08 at 7:47am UTC)
Thanks ookie, The skin is going to be made, by Dwight, and I changed the Times New Roman to the Verdana,arial fonts.

I used the roman as a test one to see how it looks, but I just forgot to change it {Tongue Out}

The skin is what will draw people, so go for a Web 2.0 with darkish colours, but not too dark.


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Re: Infinity Codes (14th Oct 08 at 11:51am UTC)
Why use web2.0? That's not always the best option. To suggest web2.0 is fine, but to direct is not. While web2.0 has it's advantages and disadvantages, I think than a coding site requires a much more simplistic skin rather than what web2.0 has to offer + web2.0 on a forum is rather difficult lol.

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Re: Infinity Codes (14th Oct 08 at 7:16pm UTC)
...I know how I am going to do it already and don't need to be told how. I am going to use black as a base, but use perfect us of the fading system, giving it the perfect offset and then using a mild blue for the font, and i'll see what I can come up with for a banner. But anyways as for the members, the site isn't even open to the public yet because it's not finished, I bet this thread was opened so he would know what had to be changed.
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Re: Infinity Codes (14th Oct 08 at 9:57pm UTC)
No the forum is not Open, its only Open like it is now, so I can get some good rates, and as well as seeing what needs to be changed, what needs to be fixed, and also seeing what needs to be added or taken away.

I have had it open (Not to public but started up) for some quite time now, I just have not gotten around to do anything to it. I just recently fixed up my most successful yet unsuccessful forum. So I just got that out of the way. I just wish ideas of newer forums would stop popping in my head, but if I don't make the newer forum that sounds totally awesome, I will loose all the good ideas I had, and it wont be as good as I thought it would be.
Re: Infinity Codes (31st Oct 08 at 9:12pm UTC)
The skin looks good except for the background. the shade doesn't match the rest of the forum and its unaesthetic. The banner looks cool, but it also looks blurry. I don't know if its supposed to look like that, but I think that maybe you could work on that.

As for the content I have a few things. One, I don't really see the difference in the Request/Complain boards and the Suggestions board. They seem to serve the same purpose. Second, I don't know why the Programming Discussion isn't in the same section as the rest of the coding boards. It seems unnecessarily split. Otherwise, i don't really see a problem.

5/10. Just a heads up, I don't think its easy running a coding forum because I think that its hard for an outside forum to have enough original coding to keep it popular. So I'll just say that as a coding forum all the codes in your database should absolutely be original.
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