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This topic was locked 19th Dec 09 at 8:17am by ashkir
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Planet Halo - Please Lock (2nd Oct 08 at 10:53pm UTC)

Yes it is about Halo and only for the PC.
Yes I know the wallpaper does seem a bit off with the Layout, that will change in due time. I had a different design in mind, then came up with this one {Cheesy}

I think I may know how to change the wallpaper around and fix it up a bit.

But what this site is about is Gathering Clans (more like my site hosts the Clans) My Clan name is Clan Assassins. I may actually have someone else's clan joining my forum as well. These Clans will participate in Tournaments and fight other Clan members, or Fight against none forum members that are in a different Clan.

Tell me what you like/dislike about it.
I do realize that I do need some more work done, such as the banner/Wallpaper. But the addiction to Halo set me back 8 hours {Cheesy}

edit:I have changed the wallpaper from this http://planethal0.webs.com/halo_wallpaper.png to the new one on the forum {Smile}

-- Locked by request. ashkir
Re: Planet Halo (3rd Oct 08 at 3:34am UTC)
hmm your kidden when asking this right, its crap tahts all i have to say {Tongue Out} I am joking it is really nice, I would give it a 6/10. I say this because it isnt very well balanced. There is a big gap between the forum and the top of the page and yet it connect perfectly at the bottom. Try seeing if you can code in a gap at the bottom of your forum, also the dash bordered background offsets the theme a bit and doesn't look right. But that is all from what I have seen from just glancing at it. If you can fix those up i would say it could be a 10 as in graphics wise.

also find the code in the data base and remove this:

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it is really compressed because of your skin and is bleeding into your search box at the bottom, also i would have to say you need ot do some designing on the tables at the bottom. They seem a little offset as well.
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Re: Planet Halo (3rd Oct 08 at 4:13am UTC)

Well for that Gap you are using Internet Explorer?

Use Fire Fox, Opera Safari, and even Chrome.

Fire Fox:

Internet Explore:

For the table at the bottom I have it the way it is on Purpose if I closed the table, it wont include the
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in the table and have it left out, and I don't like that. So I have the table like this:
  1. <table width="700px" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" align="center" class="border">
  2. <tr>
  3. <td class="title1"  colspan="2" align="center">
  4. <font size=2><b>Affiliates</B></font>
  5. </td>
  6. </tr>
  7. <tr>
  8. <td width="700" class="window2" vAlign="top" align="left">
  9. <!-- Start Affiliate -->
  10. <marquee onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()" direction="left" scrollamount="5">
  11. <center>
  12. <a href="http://magedesigns.virtualforums.co.uk"><img
  13. src="http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x20/magedesigns/vfmdskin/vfmdaffiliate.gif"></a>
  15. <a href="http://planetunreal.webs.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x20/magedesigns/unreal/pu_affiliate.png" border="0" alt="Planet Unreal"></a>
  16. </center>
  17. </marquee>
  18. <!-- End Affiliate -->
  19. <tr>
  20. <td class="title1"  colspan="2" align="center">
  21. <font size=2><b>Copyrights</B></font>
  22. </td>
  23. </tr>
  24. <tr>
  25. <td width="700" class="window2" vAlign="top" align="left">
  26. <font size="2">Halo™ and all affiliated materials are registered trademarks of Bungie and Microsoft - This Site is NOT Affiliated NOR Endorsed by The Above Mentioned. And All of Their Copyrights Are Protected.
  27. </font>
  28. <center>
  29. <a href="http://magedesigns.co.nr" target="_blank"><img src="http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x20/magedesigns/copyright_bar.jpg" target="_blank" border="0" alt="(Copyright Notice)"></a>
  30. </center>

I have taken out the search box, I have forgot about that...

Re: Planet Halo (3rd Oct 08 at 4:17am UTC)
I am using FF and an am talking about the gap from the ads, but i think if you put an gap at the bottom it would bALANCE it out and make it not as unbalanced.
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Re: Planet Halo (3rd Oct 08 at 4:21am UTC)
Oh ok I see what you mean.

Well I am not good at that code. I had to PM Ross (way before I opened the forum up) and he fixed it for me.

You are talking about the footer section like the main site http://planethal0.webs.com

Re: Planet Halo (3rd Oct 08 at 4:23am UTC)
yes, just like that rounded off and gapped, well umm {Smile} going by some of the codes in the database i bet i can try to come up with something for you {Smile}
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Re: Planet Halo (3rd Oct 08 at 4:27am UTC)
The whole code is there:

  1. <style type="text/css">
  2. <!--
  3. /* Place a border around the forum */
  5. #forum_border {
  6.    width: 770px;
  7.    margin: auto;
  8.    text-align: center;
  9. margin-top: 20px;
  10. }
  12. #forum_border_head {
  13.     height: 180px;
  14. height: 350px;
  15.     width: 770px;
  16.     background-image: url('http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x20/magedesigns/halo/top.gif');
  17.     background-repeat: repeat;
  18.     background-position: center;
  19.     margin: auto;
  20. margin-bottom: -240px;
  21. }
  23. #forum_border_middle {
  24. width: 100%;
  25.     text-align: left;
  26.     padding-top: 0px;
  27.     background-image: url('http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x20/magedesigns/halo/body-bg.gif');
  28.     background-repeat: repeat-y;
  29.     background-position: center;
  30. padding-bottom: 20px;
  31. }
  33.   #forum_border_base {
  34. height: 500px;
  35. width: 718;
  36. background-image: url('http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x20/magedesigns/halo/bottom-bg.gif');
  37. background-repeat: no-repeat;
  38. }
  41. //-->
  42. </style>
  43. <div id="forum_border">
  44. <div id="forum_border_head"></div>
  45. <div id="forum_border_middle">
  46. <div id="forum_border_menu_holder"></div>
  47. <script type="text/javascript">
  48. get('table','tag')[1].cellSpacing = '0';
  49.    for(b=0; b<=3; b++) {
  50.     get('br', TAG)[b].style.display = "none";
  51. }
  52.    get('forum_border_menu_holder', ID).appendChild(get('welcome_table', ID));
  53.    if(vf_username != "guest") {
  54.     get('forum_border_menu_holder', ID).appendChild(get('user_table', ID).previousSibling);
  55.     get('forum_border_menu_holder', ID).appendChild(get('user_table', ID));
  56. }
  60. </script>

{Tongue Out}
Re: Planet Halo (3rd Oct 08 at 4:30am UTC)
you'd have to code up soemthing different to put into your global footer in order to add a gap at the bottom, unless hmm ok.. {Smile} I think the css tag for the boards footer is footer, so maybe if i can so off the base css, i can use the css and gap the margin, wnat to give that a try?
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Re: Planet Halo (3rd Oct 08 at 4:36am UTC)
Sure why not {Tongue Out}

But make sure to make the table in the border.
Re: Planet Halo (3rd Oct 08 at 4:41am UTC)
ok i'll try and see what I can do, just give me a bit {Smile}

  1. footer {
  2.      margin: 10px;
  3. }

just add that to the bottom of your css, and see what that does. If its going to work at all, thatr would at least add the gap, and if it does then i'll code in the rest for the footer.
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Re: Planet Halo (3rd Oct 08 at 4:53am UTC)
What do you mean put it in mu CSS?

It messed it up...
Re: Planet Halo (3rd Oct 08 at 4:58am UTC)
umm exactly how did it mess it up?
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Re: Planet Halo (3rd Oct 08 at 5:03am UTC)

But in FF now...
Re: Planet Halo (3rd Oct 08 at 5:05am UTC)
{Smile} did you add that to the current css or to a new one in the skins footer like i said
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Re: Planet Halo (3rd Oct 08 at 5:10am UTC)
Alright, join my site and I will make you admin, so that you can fix this. I do know a few things about CSS but only for sites like my Mage Designs.

I got it working, but.... it killed the whole footer the table and even this is gone:
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and it still wont show the footer to the image...
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