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Re: Layers (19th Mar 08 at 6:47pm UTC)
I detail them with what is on the layer, no more than that. I don't actualy give them proper names but I have like...

'Background Layer'
'C4D Layer' etc.
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Re: Layers (19th Mar 08 at 6:51pm UTC)
On my most recent attempt of making a lightsaber and trying a new tutorial it said it would be a good idea to lable them, so i tried, wats the difference if there named or not? really. "Layer 1" is just like if u named it "1"

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Re: Layers (19th Mar 08 at 8:10pm UTC)
On my most recent attempt of making a lightsaber and trying a new tutorial it said it would be a good idea to lable them, so i tried, wats the difference if there named or not? really. "Layer 1" is just like if u named it "1"

It helps if you're making an image with plenty of layers and to remember which layer includes what aspect. I'm making a few web templates for clients and it helps when you know what the bg layer is, what layer the banner is on, the menu buttons etc.
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