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Re: Post your desktop (9th Dec 09 at 10:48am UTC)
If Linux and Mac agree on universal drivers, hardware, and software. I'd have a different state of mind thoughts.

Why should they? What is wrong with different OS' having different methods of execution?

But nope, there is hardly any hardware support for anything on the market for Linux and Mac has so many loop poles and rules that it's hardly worth the money to buy Mac and not to mention absolutely no software or hardware support or cross compatibility.

This confuses me - what 'loopholes and rules' make it 'hardly worth the money'? Also, there is plenty of cross compatability for programs - i am running windows programs on my mac, and i cannot find a single program i use on my windows system that i cant also use on my mac.

Ok, ok, some of you are going to tell me what if I lose interest in Windows or they lose market power and I had to pick someone else. I hate to say against my own hate-rid towards Macs, I would choose them. Only because they have the slightest silver of cross compatibility.

See, now you say there *is* cross compatability - make your mind up.


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Re: Post your desktop (9th Dec 09 at 11:18am UTC)
I have used all three platforms. I think each has its' own benefits:

I use the office Mac occasionally for design changes. I find it hard to navigate and use but that is because I am not familiar with it. I can see how it suits someone not technically minded, particularly designers.

I used to have an Ubuntu desktop but never managed to get my dual screens properly working (couldn't get hold of the right graphics card driver). I also couldn't use programs which I need for my day-day work such as Fireworks and Internet Explorer (IE is only for compatibility testing {Tongue Out} ). However, I only use linux based web servers as that is what they are really good at.

For 99.9% of my computer use I use Windows XP. It has the level of compatibility that I need and it is the interface I am most familiar with. I don't think you can beat it for a standard desktop OS.

Re: Post your desktop (9th Dec 09 at 12:21pm UTC)
I have tried a lot of OS, and i just don't like Mac of any Linux based OS's, they are just to weird. I'm happy with running Windows 7 Ultimate. I think its interface is much easier to use then XP, and run so much more smooth then Vista.

{Wink} Plus over all I think Macs are just a waste of hardware, but that's just my opinion, I flat out don't like them.

Anyways here is my desktop.


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Re: Post your desktop (9th Dec 09 at 1:16pm UTC)
Posted By dog199200 on 9th Dec 09 at 12:21pm

{Wink} Plus over all I think Macs are just a waste of hardware, but that's just my opinion, I flat out don't like them.

What are your reasons though? I'm fine with people disliking things as long as they back up their reasons with decent claims.
Re: Post your desktop (9th Dec 09 at 1:36pm UTC)
My main problem is the over heating.. Apple is so ignorance to their hardware over heating that its not funny, so instead they just add more ad more heat sinks, which i find redundant. After for software wish, I just find the GUI to be rather boring lol. I have my reasons for having never liked anything from Apple, maybe if they were concerned about their hardware working to its peak and instead o aligning their pockets i'd have more respect for them, idk it may not make sense, but its just how i feel.
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Re: Post your desktop (18th Dec 09 at 12:47am UTC)
Changed my theme around: http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x20/magedesigns/desktop/desktop-18.jpg {Smile}
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Re: Post your desktop (19th Dec 09 at 7:53am UTC)
Here's mine... ... .... I did remove some things from the view of the desktop while taking it due to some classified files that were trusted to me by unnamed sources. But...


I like it. XD. ^^
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Re: Post your desktop (19th Dec 09 at 5:22pm UTC)
Here's mine... ... .... I did remove some things from the view of the desktop while taking it due to some classified files that were trusted to me by unnamed sources. But...


I like it. XD. ^^

Wow, wide screen FTW! lol. >_< How did you get the extra task bar on your dual screen?



I'm working on customizing my desktop. {Grin} I'm gonna make a custom skin/icons for RocketDock. {Smile}
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Re: Post your desktop (19th Dec 09 at 6:11pm UTC)
Gotta love meh Villa.
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Re: Post your desktop (19th Dec 09 at 8:27pm UTC)
Here's mine... ... .... I did remove some things from the view of the desktop while taking it due to some classified files that were trusted to me by unnamed sources. But...


I like it. XD. ^^

Wow, wide screen FTW! lol. >_< How did you get the extra task bar on your dual screen?



I'm working on customizing my desktop. {Grin} I'm gonna make a custom skin/icons for RocketDock. {Smile}

DigitalFortress' DisplayFusion Pro.
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Re: Post your desktop (19th Dec 09 at 8:40pm UTC)
AHh ok. I'll check it out later.
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Re: Post your desktop (30th Dec 09 at 1:52am UTC)
Gotta love meh Villa.

I've just realised you've returned! {Cheesy}

Shame you're still a Villa fan though {Tongue Out}
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