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Re: Your first forum? (21st Mar 09 at 6:24am UTC)
great! we need all the new forums we can get!! {Cheesy}
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Re: Your first forum? (24th Mar 09 at 5:15am UTC)
It was in April 2003. GameTalk was the forum. That was back before it went downhill though.
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Re: Your first forum? (24th Mar 09 at 5:37am UTC)
It was in April 2003. GameTalk was the forum. That was back before it went downhill though.

GameTalk was cool.

They are still upgrading though.

What was your name on GT? Mine was all sorts {Tongue Out} I can't really remember what my name was on there! >_<
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Re: Your first forum? (2nd Apr 09 at 3:05am UTC)
It was in April 2003. GameTalk was the forum. That was back before it went downhill though.

GameTalk was cool.

They are still upgrading though.

What was your name on GT? Mine was all sorts {Tongue Out} I can't really remember what my name was on there! >_<

I used real_decimic.
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Re: Your first forum? (3rd Apr 09 at 2:51pm UTC)
The first forum I join was on another forum provider. An RPG called Chaos Theory. I learned how to role play well on there with other very good role players. I was solely on that for two years before it finally died and I was introduced to Proboards from a friend around October. I then hung out there from then to now, making my own RPG called BSSM08 (A Sailor Moon role play) and I made two other forums that I ended up deleting along with BSSM08 and I found this place through a google search after Darkdays talked about it.

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