BizzD Full Member
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pm | Web Browser (26th Nov 08 at 5:56am UTC) What Web Browser Do You Use? | | What Web Browser Do You Use? I just had to bring up this topic.
I use well... Safari mainly, Opera and Netscape (old-fashioned ftw!) and Maxthon ( With Maxthon you can go back and forth pages just by holding your right mouse button and dragging left(back) or right(forward). A cool lil' feature i found out!
Now back to the topic.
What Web Browser Do You Use, I'm just curious.
| |
Nick Very Senior Member
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pmwww | Re: Web Browser (26th Nov 08 at 7:15am UTC) | | I use Fire Fox 3, its the only one I use. I have the other browsers, only to see if my forums/sites work/look right in the rest of the leading browsers. | |
dog199200 Guest | Re: Web Browser (26th Nov 08 at 7:16am UTC) | | well I only use FF, I dont like the others.. | |
Ross Administrator
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pmwwwgtalkvForum | Re: Web Browser (26th Nov 08 at 11:47am UTC) | | I use a mixture of Firefox 3, Internet Explorer 7 and Google Chrome - it varies depending on what I'm doing. Although because of my job I have to use others like Opera, IE6 and Safari on a regular basis. I've not used Netscape for years | |
Marc vChat Developer
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pmwww | Re: Web Browser (27th Nov 08 at 1:02am UTC) | | What Web Browser Do You Use? I just had to bring up this topic. I use well... Safari mainly, Opera and Netscape (old-fashioned ftw!) and Maxthon ( With Maxthon you can go back and forth pages just by holding your right mouse button and dragging left(back) or right(forward). A cool lil' feature i found out! Now back to the topic. What Web Browser Do You Use, I'm just curious.
I use FF, mainly. I do also use Chrome & Opera from time to time.
Opera also has similar mouse shortcuts. Holding the right mouse button then clicking the left takes you back, and vice-versa. | |— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends. |
Sven Full Member
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pm | Re: Web Browser (28th Nov 08 at 6:03am UTC) | | FF, IE, Opera... same reason as everyone else. | |
RuhRoe Full Member
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pmxfire | Re: Web Browser (28th Nov 08 at 2:47pm UTC) | | I have IE7 and Safari. I don't use Safari though. Accually I don't even know how it got on this computer | |
ajay Guest | Re: Web Browser (28th Nov 08 at 3:05pm UTC) | | I use Mozilla Firefox. | |
Nick Very Senior Member
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pmwww | Re: Web Browser (28th Nov 08 at 8:08pm UTC) | | I have IE7 and Safari. I don't use Safari though. Accually I don't even know how it got on this computer
If you downloaded Quick Time, or something like that, it probably downloaded with it. I had that happen. So I just kept it | |
RuhRoe Full Member
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pmxfire | Re: Web Browser (28th Nov 08 at 10:38pm UTC) | | I have Itunes. Would that install it? | |
GlitchesSocom Junior Member
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pmwwwmsnyahooaimgtalkvForum | Re: Web Browser (30th Nov 08 at 3:31am UTC) | | I use FF3 with the IE and Opera view plug-ins along with some others that makes web development easier =] | |
darkdays Guest | Re: Web Browser (30th Nov 08 at 4:01am UTC) | | IE7 for flash games, FF3 for everything else. | |
Jason Moderator
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pmwww | Re: Web Browser (4th Dec 08 at 5:34am UTC) | | I like how it gives me a "Get Google Chrome" ad at the top
So yeah, I use all of FF, IE, and Chrome regularly. Sometimes when I gotta wait for a test result or something I open Opera and set it to auto-reload | |
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Nick Very Senior Member
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pmwww | Re: Web Browser (7th Dec 08 at 5:50am UTC) | | I like how it gives me a "Get Google Chrome" ad at the top So yeah, I use all of FF, IE, and Chrome regularly. Sometimes when I gotta wait for a test result or something I open Opera and set it to auto-reload
FireFox has a reload add on. | |
Jason Moderator
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pmwww | Re: Web Browser (7th Dec 08 at 6:15am UTC) | | I like how it gives me a "Get Google Chrome" ad at the top So yeah, I use all of FF, IE, and Chrome regularly. Sometimes when I gotta wait for a test result or something I open Opera and set it to auto-reload FireFox has a reload add on.
Well when I needed it, I already had Opera installed, so I was like, meh, might as well use it . Didn't feel like loading FF with too many add-ons.... | |
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