What Web Browser Do You Use? I just had to bring up this topic.![]()
I use well... Safari mainly, Opera and Netscape (old-fashioned ftw!) and Maxthon (www.maxthon.com). With Maxthon you can go back and forth pages just by holding your right mouse button and dragging left(back) or right(forward). A cool lil' feature i found out!
Now back to the topic.
What Web Browser Do You Use, I'm just curious.![]()
I use Fire Fox 3, its the only one I use. I have the other browsers, only to see if my forums/sites work/look right in the rest of the leading browsers.
well I only use FF, I dont like the others..
I use a mixture of Firefox 3, Internet Explorer 7 and Google Chrome - it varies depending on what I'm doing. Although because of my job I have to use others like Opera, IE6 and Safari on a regular basis. I've not used Netscape for years![]()
What Web Browser Do You Use? I just had to bring up this topic.![]()
I use well... Safari mainly, Opera and Netscape (old-fashioned ftw!) and Maxthon (www.maxthon.com). With Maxthon you can go back and forth pages just by holding your right mouse button and dragging left(back) or right(forward). A cool lil' feature i found out!
Now back to the topic.
What Web Browser Do You Use, I'm just curious.![]()
I use FF, mainly. I do also use Chrome & Opera from time to time.
Opera also has similar mouse shortcuts. Holding the right mouse button then clicking the left takes you back, and vice-versa.![]()
FF, IE, Opera... same reason as everyone else.
I have IE7 and Safari. I don't use Safari though. Accually I don't even know how it got on this computer![]()
I use Mozilla Firefox.
I have IE7 and Safari. I don't use Safari though. Accually I don't even know how it got on this computer![]()
If you downloaded Quick Time, or something like that, it probably downloaded with it. I had that happen. So I just kept it![]()
I have Itunes. Would that install it?
I use FF3 with the IE and Opera view plug-ins along with some others that makes web development easier =]
IE7 for flash games, FF3 for everything else.
I like how it gives me a "Get Google Chrome" ad at the top![]()
So yeah, I use all of FF, IE, and Chrome regularly. Sometimes when I gotta wait for a test result or something I open Opera and set it to auto-reload
I like how it gives me a "Get Google Chrome" ad at the top![]()
So yeah, I use all of FF, IE, and Chrome regularly. Sometimes when I gotta wait for a test result or something I open Opera and set it to auto-reload
FireFox has a reload add on.![]()
I like how it gives me a "Get Google Chrome" ad at the top![]()
So yeah, I use all of FF, IE, and Chrome regularly. Sometimes when I gotta wait for a test result or something I open Opera and set it to auto-reload
FireFox has a reload add on.![]()
Well when I needed it, I already had Opera installed, so I was like, meh, might as well use it. Didn't feel like loading FF with too many add-ons....
Yeah I guess. and yeah if you fill Fx with allot of Add-ons then Fx will go a bit slower, had that problem.. was not good. Had to uninstall some things.
you guys are lucky, my FF is all messed up and I can't install or uninstall addons or skins or anything and when I asked for help I got, "we are clueless" for a response..
Uninstall FireFox, then reinstall it. If you tried it with Windows Add/remove, then try Glary Utilities It will help you remove it.
I use FF3.![]()
Firefox 3.?? It's all I ever need.
i have IE7 installed to look at my forums/websites in to check for errors/update my website, but rarely use for anything other for that. Tried Google Chrome - but didn't see the big deal. Even tried for Safari but didn't get on with it, didn't like the interface - but then it it is by Apple, who I've nothing against, I'm just not keen on their stuff.
I use FF, IE (hate it) and opera, depending on what im coding![]()
On my computer, I have FF3, IE7, Chrome, and Opera 9.5.
Of those, I use FF the most![]()
ive been using firefox for a while now. which browser for you is the best?
I'm only a chrome user now. It's fast and has many useful features while being light weight and strictly focusing on the website content. I mean don't get me wrong, Fx3 is great and all but I prefer simplicity over distracting browsers. xD
I've since abandoned firefox for a while due to a bug/glitch which involved this little announcement from firefox and no matter how much you clicked it was hard to get close down.
I have since switched to Google Chrome, and I must say - it is growing on me and is alot faster.
I recently redownloaded Chrome now I must say the latest release is like really slow. :[. It took two minutes to open up these forums in chrome. It took IE 35 seconds (IE's startup is horrid slow!) and FireFox about 12 seconds, Safari about 15 seconds and Opera loaded these forums like in 3 seconds. o.o.
I love Firefox because of the mods it has is awesome. I wish Chrome would work better, I kind of expect the best from Google. XD
I recently redownloaded Chrome now I must say the latest release is like really slow. :[. It took two minutes to open up these forums in chrome. It took IE 35 seconds (IE's startup is horrid slow!) and FireFox about 12 seconds, Safari about 15 seconds and Opera loaded these forums like in 3 seconds. o.o.
I love Firefox because of the mods it has is awesome. I wish Chrome would work better, I kind of expect the best from Google. XD
If any page is taking that long to load in almost every browser, it's either your internet connection, or the server of the site you're attempting to access.![]()
Now, I currently use Opera all the time. IE is slow like heck on my computer (maybe because i became a toolbar fanatic) and same with Google Chrome. As for FF...just never liked it.![]()
Nope. =/. It is just Chrome. Others work perfectly. It is usually on the 'resolving host' step.I recently redownloaded Chrome now I must say the latest release is like really slow. :[. It took two minutes to open up these forums in chrome. It took IE 35 seconds (IE's startup is horrid slow!) and FireFox about 12 seconds, Safari about 15 seconds and Opera loaded these forums like in 3 seconds. o.o.
I love Firefox because of the mods it has is awesome. I wish Chrome would work better, I kind of expect the best from Google. XD
If any page is taking that long to load in almost every browser, it's either your internet connection, or the server of the site you're attempting to access.![]()
I did some turnoffs of FF's autoupdates pages seem to be loading MUCH faster to me now. But FF likes crashing on some sites...mainly ProBoards...dunno why.
I use IE7 and I sometimes use FF3
Mainly I use Firefox 3 and google chrome.![]()