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Re: Halloween!? (15th Oct 08 at 6:26pm UTC)
@DM - to say that kids should be allowed to enjoy it is a bit of a statement for me. I find that if kids were to go around asking for free candy it leaves some gap in why they are getting it. Because it's Halloween is a bit of a miss concept and not all kids enjoy it really.

I dunno, I prefer not having Halloween tbh - it's just another stupid excuse for people to get free stuff IMO.

Candy is not the point {Tongue Out}

Having Fun is. We go buy our own candy and eat it. 1 reason why we buy our own, is because our town is bad, and some people put poison or drugs in the candy, thats why we stay home, and watch Horror movies, and eat out own store boughten candy.

Posted By dog199200 on 15th Oct 08 at 6:18am
*Sits in the side lines and waits for the a pointed hour on the a pointed day.* "Candy!!!"

Anyways, I do take part in Halloween myself, I am only 5' 1" so I can pass off as a 7th grader around here, and a lot of people of all ages around here celebrate it, just because its something to do. Normally I get a bunch of friends together and dress up and walk around town doing nothing, or throwing a part at one of our houses. Its fun {Smile}

I am 5'8" so I can't pass my self as a little kid anymore, and plus I have a deep voice.

Saying Trick or treat with my voice may be creepy {Cheesy}

I hate All Hallows Eve. I love kids but vandalism is not cool. I go to a friends and we have like a buffet that night. All Hallows Eve was stolen by the Catholics to counterpart the Pegan religion by creating All Saints Eve. Hence this day became a celebration of fun instead of fear. It's roots is fear.

Thats cool. {Grin}

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Re: Halloween!? (15th Oct 08 at 6:35pm UTC)
Darkmage, my old homeroom teacher (and she was my IA, English and History teacher in high school o_o) told me some highschoolers came to her house to trick or treat they were dressed as ghosts and spoke in a high pitched voice. They were on their knees when they knocked on the door then they stood up after the candy, "Thanks Ms. Crookshanks!"
Re: Halloween!? (15th Oct 08 at 6:55pm UTC)
ya considering All Hallows Eve's roots where meaning "Day Of The Dead" of something of taht nature {Smile} Anyways yes vandalism sucks, but no one does that here, yes we have some punks, but most everyone here is respectful to everyone else.
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Re: Halloween!? (15th Oct 08 at 8:42pm UTC)
Darkmage, my old homeroom teacher (and she was my IA, English and History teacher in high school o_o) told me some highschoolers came to her house to trick or treat they were dressed as ghosts and spoke in a high pitched voice. They were on their knees when they knocked on the door then they stood up after the candy, "Thanks Ms. Crookshanks!"

{Cheesy} LOL!! That's funny.
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Re: Halloween!? (16th Oct 08 at 11:30pm UTC)
Nope I don't. It's for children {Tongue Out}

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Re: Halloween!? (23rd Oct 08 at 4:58pm UTC)
I won't be trick-or-treating. I'll be watching Smackdown and then maybe some Ghost Hunters Live.
Mason Fett™
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Re: Halloween!? (24th Oct 08 at 11:57am UTC)
I wouldn't mind going, but I have work, so I can't. {Sad}

I'll probably just go out and hang with friends that night. That's usually what we do on occasions such as this.

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