Nick Very Senior Member
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pmwww | Halloween!? (13th Oct 08 at 11:58pm UTC) | | Halloween is coming soon! How many of you are going to go out and Trick or treat? For me I have to work that night So from 5:30 PM to 9:30 -10:30PM I will be working, and The Halloween night starts at 5 and ends at 7 | |
dog199200 Guest | Re: Halloween!? (14th Oct 08 at 1:02am UTC) | | I will, me and my GF, but here is a question, what is with the hallow in halloween? There is nothing Hallow about it, in fact its kind of full of candy, fun, and children | |
Nick Very Senior Member
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pmwww | Re: Halloween!? (14th Oct 08 at 2:30am UTC) | | Hallo...Halo? HMM Yay! Lets blast everyone! XD
But if you are thinking empty that would be Hollow Hallo-Ween | |
Sven Full Member
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pm | Re: Halloween!? (14th Oct 08 at 5:23am UTC) | | You celebrate Halloween and you don't even know why it's called Halloween lol, that is rather hilarious tbh.
Me, I don't celebrate Halloween it's an American tradition and I'm not American, hence, I don't celebrate it.
However, Halloween did not originate in America but in Holland (I think it was Holland anyway?) and it was actually quite scary back in the back, hence then Hallow in Halloween - I guess American's just added in the candy for some strange reason, I guess because they were hungry? No idea why. | |
Nick Very Senior Member
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pmwww | Re: Halloween!? (14th Oct 08 at 6:36am UTC) | | I thought everyone celebrated Halloween?
I actually like the "Back-in-the-day" Halloween, everyone was like "OMG a WITCH!!"
I like the Gothic period. Where magick was practiced, some Magick is still practiced by allot of people. its the "Real Magic" I don't like this Fake Magic, where all it is, is just tricks.
I also remember when people called it All Hallows Eve They sometimes use it on movies. | |
tricky.cb Senior Member
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pmwwwmsngtalk | Re: Halloween!? (14th Oct 08 at 10:15am UTC) | | I'm going to be going with my niece and nephew, as I've really grown out of it all, but I would like some candy I'm going to dress up as the Joker, and my nephew is going to be Batman. | |
Sven Full Member
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pm | Re: Halloween!? (14th Oct 08 at 11:49am UTC) | | haha, that's brilliant. And no Dark A lot of people in a lot of countries don't celebrate it. Less than half the kids of my 'generation' (lose sense of the word) won't celebrate it as we never did as kids.
However, the kids coming up, like my sister who is younger than I have lived in an Americanised world, so, a far greater portion of them will celebrate it. But yea, most will not - majority of Australia does not celebrate Halloween. | |
Nick Very Senior Member
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pmwww | Re: Halloween!? (14th Oct 08 at 9:32pm UTC) | | I'm going to be going with my niece and nephew, as I've really grown out of it all, but I would like some candy  I'm going to dress up as the Joker, and my nephew is going to be Batman.

haha, that's brilliant. And no Dark  A lot of people in a lot of countries don't celebrate it. Less than half the kids of my 'generation' (lose sense of the word) won't celebrate it as we never did as kids. However, the kids coming up, like my sister who is younger than I have lived in an Americanised world, so, a far greater portion of them will celebrate it. But yea, most will not - majority of Australia does not celebrate Halloween.
That is sad Kids should enjoy it. | |
tricky.cb Senior Member
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pmwwwmsngtalk | Re: Halloween!? (14th Oct 08 at 11:11pm UTC) | | @DM: I've got that poster on my wall | |
Graham Support Administrator
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pmwww | Re: Halloween!? (14th Oct 08 at 11:16pm UTC) | | I won't be partaking - it's not that popular over here and i detest the concept of people essentially begging, and if turned away, then causing damge to property. I've seen it done, and it's not nice.
So in a grumpy old man style, it'll be spent either working, or ignoring anyone who comes to the door. | |
Marc vChat Developer
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pmwww | Re: Halloween!? (15th Oct 08 at 3:00am UTC) | | If I remember correctly, Halloween originated from Celtic or Gaelic, I believe. They believed that the dead would be able to enter the world again on that night, so they had big festivals and wore masks and whatnot. The tradition seems to have just evolved into a time of fun for children.
I may have to work that night, though I won't know for sure until my manager gets the next schedule written up. However, I do have plans to go to a big party provided I have the night off. | |— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends. |
Nick Very Senior Member
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pmwww | Re: Halloween!? (15th Oct 08 at 3:14am UTC) | | @ Tricky ~ I still have not seen it
@ Graham ~ Mischief night was fun though we did not TP other peoples houses, we did our own
@ Marc ~ Yep that is exactly how it originated, at least I think. I have to work that night and all I wanted to do was watch movies, and eat store boughten candy... | |
Sven Full Member
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pm | Re: Halloween!? (15th Oct 08 at 5:26am UTC) | | @DM - to say that kids should be allowed to enjoy it is a bit of a statement for me. I find that if kids were to go around asking for free candy it leaves some gap in why they are getting it. Because it's Halloween is a bit of a miss concept and not all kids enjoy it really.
I dunno, I prefer not having Halloween tbh - it's just another stupid excuse for people to get free stuff IMO. | |
dog199200 Guest | Re: Halloween!? (15th Oct 08 at 6:18am UTC) | | *Sits in the side lines and waits for the a pointed hour on the a pointed day.* "Candy!!!"
Anyways, I do take part in Halloween myself, I am only 5' 1" so I can pass off as a 7th grader around here, and a lot of people of all ages around here celebrate it, just because its something to do. Normally I get a bunch of friends together and dress up and walk around town doing nothing, or throwing a part at one of our houses. Its fun | |
ashkir Full Member
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pmskypemsnyahoo | Re: Halloween!? (15th Oct 08 at 4:35pm UTC) | | I hate All Hallows Eve. I love kids but vandalism is not cool. I go to a friends and we have like a buffet that night. All Hallows Eve was stolen by the Catholics to counterpart the Pegan religion by creating All Saints Eve. Hence this day became a celebration of fun instead of fear. It's roots is fear. | |