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Re: Your Internet Speed (18th Feb 12 at 6:32am UTC)
Hi this is my speed
download speed =1.09Mbps and
upload speed =0.87Mbps
and i check my speed from Ip-Details.com
how about my speed?? is it good or bad?


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Re: Your Internet Speed (19th Feb 12 at 12:14am UTC)
If that's good or bad probably depends on where you are. I know that around my area the average download speed (on a standard line, not fibre optic) is around 4 to 5Mbs. If you're further from your local exchange or if the local infrastructure doesn't have such good connections between the exchange and cabinet then speeds go even lower (but then if you're closer to the exchange it should be possible to get up to 20Mbs on a standard line).
That upload sounds pretty good though (it's rare for upload speed to be so close to the download speed). I'd be lucky to get over 0.4Mbs upload.

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