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Your Internet Speed (9th Aug 08 at 11:06pm UTC)

What are your results?

And to generate some discussion; what ISP do you use? What do you like/dislike about them? Would you rather be using a different ISP?

Here's my results on a wireless connection:


I'll see if I can get a result image posted when I'm on a wired connection a bit later. {Wink}

Currently I'm using Rogers, and apart from them messing around with FF's server status error pages (404, 403, 401, 500, etc.) they're great. {Smile}

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Re: Your Internet Speed (9th Aug 08 at 11:36pm UTC)

I don't think that's bad when I am using a wireless internet which I can SWEAR to you three of my neighbors are leeching right now (I pay for the connection, they just use mine. >_>) I'm trying to get the company to come down and fix the damn wiring then I'll test again.

I forget my exact ISP, but when the landline works it's freaken amazing. I can game with nearly over 400 fps on WoW. Their wireless service I hate when other people leech it and it constantly crashes. They won't help me make it a password protected network so I kind of hate that.

But their landline I love it. Freaken awesome hardly ever a problem unless all the customers in the company are getting it. Hmm...my image says I use SBC Internet. o_O. I pay Brighthouse for it oddly...xD


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Re: Your Internet Speed (9th Aug 08 at 11:40pm UTC)
Your wireless is a lot faster than my wired connection according to that {Shocked} {Sad} But then I know Virgins broadband is pretty poor, unfortunately I have little choice but to use them. I'll see if I can test it from work tomorrow Monday as we (normally) get pretty decent speeds there (not great but better than I have here {Tongue Out} )


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Re: Your Internet Speed (9th Aug 08 at 11:46pm UTC)

I don't think that's bad when I am using a wireless internet which I can SWEAR to you three of my neighbors are leeching right now (I pay for the connection, they just use mine. >_>) I'm trying to get the company to come down and fix the damn wiring then I'll test again.

I forget my exact ISP, but when the landline works it's freaken amazing. I can game with nearly over 400 fps on WoW. Their wireless service I hate when other people leech it and it constantly crashes. They won't help me make it a password protected network so I kind of hate that.

But their landline I love it. Freaken awesome hardly ever a problem unless all the customers in the company are getting it. Hmm...my image says I use SBC Internet. o_O. I pay Brighthouse for it oddly...xD

Three of my neighbours are using my internet as well, but only because they help pay for it. We simply share the password. {Smile}

To password protect your wireless network, go to either or depending on how your network is setup, and enter the default username/password (generally both "admin"), and get things setup there. {Wink}

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Re: Your Internet Speed (10th Aug 08 at 1:10am UTC)

Thats the fastest internet connection in Australia, sheesh! Shows how our old Prime Minister hated the internet so much - he thought it was like 100% porn and in no way effective, glad he is gone now!

Kevin promises to improve our internet by 10 fold to actually bring us up onto a world stage instead of lagging behind everyone.

Sucks playing games, as most gaming servers are hosted in America - For Ash: When I played WoW, my ping was constantly 600ms, that's considered pretty good for any Aussie. Bit unfair when your a mage in battlegrounds and a rogue is standing out of range of your spells (40 yards!) but still managing to backstab you...

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Re: Your Internet Speed (10th Aug 08 at 1:12am UTC)
Here's mine at home:


So yeah, I'm on Rogers as well, and I'm on a wired connection. I think I tested before on wireless and it wasn't that different...

Yeah, same. I wish they wouldn't insert their own 404 pages. Even if I disable it, the thing does a horrible job of faking it anyway {Tongue Out}

This however, is what I get in my university residence, which I will be going back to in september (different residence, but still that network):


Amazing speeds, but there's some pretty restrictive bandwidth limits that I can usually live with but some others can't because they download too much {Tongue Out}

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Re: Your Internet Speed (10th Aug 08 at 2:27am UTC)

I don't think that's bad when I am using a wireless internet which I can SWEAR to you three of my neighbors are leeching right now (I pay for the connection, they just use mine. >_>) I'm trying to get the company to come down and fix the damn wiring then I'll test again.

I forget my exact ISP, but when the landline works it's freaken amazing. I can game with nearly over 400 fps on WoW. Their wireless service I hate when other people leech it and it constantly crashes. They won't help me make it a password protected network so I kind of hate that.

But their landline I love it. Freaken awesome hardly ever a problem unless all the customers in the company are getting it. Hmm...my image says I use SBC Internet. o_O. I pay Brighthouse for it oddly...xD

Three of my neighbours are using my internet as well, but only because they help pay for it. We simply share the password. {Smile}

To password protect your wireless network, go to either or depending on how your network is setup, and enter the default username/password (generally both "admin"), and get things setup there. {Wink}
I tried before it broke my dlink settings I had to buy a new one. ><'. So not bothering to try again; I'm planning to just fix my wiring.
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Re: Your Internet Speed (10th Aug 08 at 3:56am UTC)
Changing your settings in no way requires you to buy a new one...at most you'd need to hit the reset button on the router itself; something I believe most routers are required to have. {Unsure}

@ Frufru: Well obviously UW will have amazingly fast speeds, they have a giant fiber-optic network that caters to those attending the premier university in the world's Technology Triangle. {Tongue Out}

Sucks that they have a bandwidth cap though; I'm pretty sure Rogers' bandwidth cap is far out of reach, even for me and my neighbours all sharing a connection. {Smile}

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Re: Your Internet Speed (10th Aug 08 at 4:59am UTC)

I don't know much about computers, so don't know if my connection is good or not. =P
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Re: Your Internet Speed (10th Aug 08 at 8:39am UTC)

I'm on Rogers as well,

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Re: Your Internet Speed (10th Aug 08 at 11:54pm UTC)

My internet is usually very fast. I can only imagine running this on my grandparents dial up connection. The site speedtest.net probably wouldn't even load. {Tongue Out}

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Re: Your Internet Speed (12th Aug 08 at 7:10am UTC)

That is with my provider's 500 package. If I would have done it at a friends house, their numbers would be lower because they only have the 100 package.
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Re: Your Internet Speed (12th Aug 08 at 4:23pm UTC)

I like my connection, I think it was better where I lived previously, but it's nice here.


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Re: Your Internet Speed (12th Aug 08 at 5:39pm UTC)

My mom lowered our internet to the lowest speed, because we could not afford the highest speed. we did have over 1000.
Re: Your Internet Speed (16th Aug 08 at 7:49pm UTC)
Image Mine is fast {Tongue Out}
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