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I <3 Rossy

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Re: Piercings (6th May 08 at 1:06am UTC)
An "Emo" is someone who openly expresses their emotions without fear of prejudice or hate. "Scene" bands such as Story Of The Year have made it out to be something it's really not.

But enough about stereotypes, let's stick to piercing discussions. {Tongue Out}

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.
Re: Piercings (6th May 08 at 2:57pm UTC)
An "Emo" is someone who openly expresses their emotions without fear of prejudice or hate. "Scene" bands such as Story Of The Year have made it out to be something it's really not.

But enough about stereotypes, let's stick to piercing discussions. {Tongue Out}

Ok. {Wink} . Are you ever going to get piercings?
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I <3 Rossy

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Re: Piercings (6th May 08 at 8:43pm UTC)
Posted By ajay on 6th May 08 at 2:57pm
An "Emo" is someone who openly expresses their emotions without fear of prejudice or hate. "Scene" bands such as Story Of The Year have made it out to be something it's really not.

But enough about stereotypes, let's stick to piercing discussions. {Tongue Out}

Ok. {Wink} . Are you ever going to get piercings?

Is this directed at me or everyone? {Tongue Out}

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.
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Re: Piercings (7th May 08 at 1:03am UTC)
I'll never get a piercing. It's just not me, or my lifestyle.


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