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Re: Windows 7 (16th Apr 08 at 10:04am UTC)
I known about Vienna for a while, one of the people I constantly work with was invited to ALPHA and BETA test it about two months back. It looks nifty, but it's sad in June that Windows XP is being taken off the shelves. But, sadly, the future is here, we have no choice but to follow it. Believe it or not, these computer manufactures and operating system operators have a large impact on our life.
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Re: Windows 7 (17th Apr 08 at 1:38am UTC)
My freinds laptop runs in Vista its FTW!, he plays all his games on there, no problems, even the ones specifically for XP still runs and works better on Vista.

And what happened to 2000?

2000 was Microsoft's worst failure to date. The OS was discontinued I believe the same year it was released, and was replaced by Windows ME [which I still use on some old computers I have laying around.] {Wink}

Why do I have the feeling it's the other way around? I thought Windows ME was the one that failed so much (BSOD all over the place), and windows 2000 is fine. It's still widely used...

Ya, Microsoft still ships Windows 2000 to non-profits.
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Re: Windows 7 (17th Apr 08 at 3:13am UTC)
Hmm, odd. I've had more problems with Windows 2000 than with Windows ME. {Unsure}

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Re: Windows 7 (17th Apr 08 at 7:45am UTC)
windows 7 is out for public early 2010. and vista kicks-ass ftw!!
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Re: Windows 7 (5th Jul 08 at 9:15pm UTC)
http://www.itworld.com/vista-driver-malfunction-080207 ... hope you're not blaming Microsoft/Vista for driver errors. <_<
http://keznews.com/4461_Top_6_Vista_Application_Incompatibility_Reasons ... or any other errors related to application failures. <_<

I remember hearing that Microsoft was nagging many, many companies, telling them that patches and drivers were needed because of Vistas new architecture/Windows new route, but loads of them didn't listen. {Tongue Out}

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Re: Windows 7 (5th Jul 08 at 11:27pm UTC)
Ive had no problems with My Vista so far, as with my mom on her XP, loads of problems. Constantly crashing, screen freezing etc, ya know the usual. oh and slowness.
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Re: Windows 7 (6th Jul 08 at 6:04am UTC)
There was once a time where people said Windows 98 was worse then Windows 95. There was once a time where people said Windows 2000 was worse then Windows 2000/NT. There was a time where people said XP was worse then Windows 98 and 2000/NT. Now here is the time where people say Vista is worse then XP.

The future is here. Deal with it. Microsoft owns the computer business; change is coming. Doesn't matter or not our programs are going to force us to update; businesses, schools, all will be forced to update as software is updated to support the new operating system.
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