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Re: Earth Hour (30th Mar 08 at 5:33am UTC)
It takes more energy to shut off a light and turning it back on, same with any electrical appliance. It'd have to be for like a whole week.

But we do it anyway, not just for an hour, but for a whole night, its so we can keep our light, and gas bill down.

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Re: Earth Hour (30th Mar 08 at 10:01am UTC)
as far as I'm concerned, until america, india, china do something to seriously cut their emissions, anything the UK and other places do, will ... well, be pointless!
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Re: Earth Hour (30th Mar 08 at 10:44am UTC)
as far as I'm concerned, until america, india, china do something to seriously cut their emissions, anything the UK and other places do, will ... well, be pointless!

That's something i've always wondered about, and hopefully someone here can give me an answer - why hasn't the US ratified the Kyoto protocol?
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Re: Earth Hour (30th Mar 08 at 1:27pm UTC)
as far as I'm concerned, until america, india, china do something to seriously cut their emissions, anything the UK and other places do, will ... well, be pointless!

That's something i've always wondered about, and hopefully someone here can give me an answer - why hasn't the US ratified the Kyoto protocol?

Because the economy is already past failing due to Bush's personal vendetta with the Middle East, and he can't afford to make anymore economical sacrifices. In short, they're greedy.

@ Darkmage: I find it extremely hard to believe that turning on a light takes more power than a light being on for an hour. Maybe turning it on uses up more power per second on average than a light bulb being on already, but there's no way it uses more than an hour's worth of electrical power. {Unsure}

@ Wrighty: So you'd rather join the problem than aid with the solution? Sounds a bit passive to me. {Unsure}

@ Felix: I'm sure they still saved quite a bit of power from the spotlights being off, as well as the bridge lights. {Wink}

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Re: Earth Hour (30th Mar 08 at 1:31pm UTC)
Me turning off a light wont do anything. The UK turning off a light wont do anything. China turning off a light will make a hell of a lot of difference. It's thought that the amount of energy that the UK save by turning off the light for an hour, china consume in less than that! ;/
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Re: Earth Hour (30th Mar 08 at 1:44pm UTC)
Me turning off a light wont do anything. The UK turning off a light wont do anything. China turning off a light will make a hell of a lot of difference. It's thought that the amount of energy that the UK save by turning off the light for an hour, china consume in less than that! ;/

You're missing the point that although China eats electricity like crazy, that hour of electrical power usage is still saved.

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.
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Re: Earth Hour (30th Mar 08 at 4:16pm UTC)
Well im good cause I did it {Cheesy}

Beacuse YOU should.
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