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pmwww | Earth Hour (29th Mar 08 at 8:25pm UTC) | | Are you planning on participating in Earth Hour?
It's a worldwide effort done in every country in an effort to conserve power and become more environmentally friendly. Every May 29th, between 8pm-9pm in your local time, all power in your house should be turned off; computers, televisions, lights, etc.
Personally I will be participating as I believe it is a great idea.
Be sure to check out Earth Hour's official site for more details.
If anyone in GMT replies I'll know they're not since it's 8:30 there. | |— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends. |
Simie New Member

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pm | Re: Earth Hour (29th Mar 08 at 9:02pm UTC) | | I'd never heard of it before you told me on MSN
Well, not strictly true, I'd just noticed something about it on Google UK, about 1 min before you talked to me | |
Michael Moderator
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pmvForum | Re: Earth Hour (29th Mar 08 at 9:06pm UTC) | | Hai!
I forgot! | |
Marc vChat Developer
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pmwww | Re: Earth Hour (29th Mar 08 at 9:23pm UTC) | | I had been planning on doing it for a while; wanted to ask Ross to "turn the lights out" on VFS as well, but forgot until it was about 1pm [5pm UK] | |— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends. |
Dreg[Bot] Moderator
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pmYesh im sneaky! | Re: Earth Hour (29th Mar 08 at 9:48pm UTC) | | pfttt it rains here all the time and poof everything electrical goes dead iv saved enuf energy to power a small tribe in Africa! | |
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Graham Support Administrator
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pmwww | Re: Earth Hour (29th Mar 08 at 10:31pm UTC) | | I didn't participate. Partly as i was at work and i can't work in the dark Mainly i feel doing it for just one hour is a pointless venture, as i read something it takes more energy to turn them off than it does to keep them on...
If people want to make a difference, then i feel it'll take more than just one hour every so often. | |
Ross Administrator
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pmwwwgtalkvForum | Re: Earth Hour (29th Mar 08 at 10:48pm UTC) | | My view on it is that if people want to try to make a difference then they should do something all the time rather than just for a single hour. But don't get me started on the whole "Global Warming" thing | |
Marc vChat Developer
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pmwww | Re: Earth Hour (29th Mar 08 at 10:57pm UTC) | | Well, seems I'm the only one who cares about global union in striving for a better tomorrow.
Yes, I understand that "one hour doesn't make much difference", but what happens when a large-scale idea that would actually work well comes about? If people can't even unite in something as simple as flicking off a light switch for 60 minutes, how can we expect to do larger things to make a difference? | |— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends. |
-Sinister- New Member

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pmyahooxfire | Re: Earth Hour (29th Mar 08 at 11:04pm UTC) | | Yea i never heard of this, ill do it. | |
Graham Support Administrator
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pmwww | Re: Earth Hour (29th Mar 08 at 11:50pm UTC) | | Well, seems I'm the only one who cares about global union in striving for a better tomorrow.
Yes, I understand that "one hour doesn't make much difference", but what happens when a large-scale idea that would actually work well comes about? If people can't even unite in something as simple as flicking off a light switch for 60 minutes, how can we expect to do larger things to make a difference?
I understand where you're coming from, but i don't see why everything has to happen as one - its each individual's responsibility to do this, and these occasions, in my view make people think "ah, i've done my bit, i don't need to do any more" whereas something more prolonged will make people think more about their energy consumption. | |
Marc vChat Developer
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pmwww | Re: Earth Hour (30th Mar 08 at 12:03am UTC) | | Well, seems I'm the only one who cares about global union in striving for a better tomorrow.
Yes, I understand that "one hour doesn't make much difference", but what happens when a large-scale idea that would actually work well comes about? If people can't even unite in something as simple as flicking off a light switch for 60 minutes, how can we expect to do larger things to make a difference? I understand where you're coming from, but i don't see why everything has to happen as one - its each individual's responsibility to do this, and these occasions, in my view make people think "ah, i've done my bit, i don't need to do any more" whereas something more prolonged will make people think more about their energy consumption.
Because it's easier to get something done if there's say, 1 billion people behind it rather than only 25 thousand. | |— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends. |
tricky.cb Senior Member
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pmwwwmsngtalk | Re: Earth Hour (30th Mar 08 at 12:21am UTC) | | I heard it on the news, and then I went back to what ever I was doing. I'm obviously not doing it since its 8:21PM here. | |
Talkir Junior Member
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pm | Re: Earth Hour (30th Mar 08 at 2:26am UTC) | | I did Earth hour.
Played Monopoly with candles lit. | |
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Marc vChat Developer
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pmwww | Re: Earth Hour (30th Mar 08 at 2:37am UTC) | | I haven't played Monopoly in so long; that sounds fun.
My friend Stephanie went to an Earth Hour party with a huge drum circle and everything. Yay for hippies! | |— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends. |
Fel!x Full Member
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pmmsn | Re: Earth Hour (30th Mar 08 at 3:33am UTC) | | Well I did it last year, and this year. Sydney may have started it, but all the places which "participated" kept all security lights on and it didn't look much different: (Top image is before Earth Hour, Bottom is during the hour)

I have to agree one hour may not be much, but with the amount of participants means the message is getting out there. Anyway, it was fun sitting in the dark, glaring at neighbours with lights on. xD | |