Empire! The empire is beginning to rise once again the ruthless Ross awaits the return of all everything good everything evil! In all hopes creation of all awaits the final...
In a stunning, cunning and quick move, the fiendish red leader, General Capital Ross, has swept into the other privdors and kidnapped the hearts of the citizens...
The people of the Empire awaits, awaits the day of order. In hope, in all hope, I carry out this Test.
See I told you all I fail at Star Wars >_>. So all in all, once again, I should finish the story of Mr. Pacman? Nah...I decide not. Pacman still wants to dance. >_<. Well...I will be truthful...
I never watched Star Wars before. So I will test in my version of Star Wars while testing out some hidden UBBC features. :]. So, here we go! :]. Please be warned I may murder several kittens while doing this :[.
ONCE UPON A TIME in a galaxy far far far far far far far far (kickself) away there were a group of powerful, very powerful people in red.
In all truths these people in red were all one person. Though several othermini reds show up now and then...but not so often they needeth any worry.
Well...I honestly cannot believe these people didn't obess about gold. >_>. Cheap people. >_> /murderskitten. Oh well...back to the story of Mr. Pacman who finally stopped dancing...er wait! You didn’t hear that! So now, the evil Sith Lord, Mr. Exiled or Banned Guy I have no idea who his name or title is anyway. >_>. Decided to come back around and do a /dance and a /wave here...oh wait! Forget that too! That is half Star Wars Episode Seven: Kitten Murder and Pacman II...
Oh...I give up...
Woah...mixed characters work in the short color tags =D