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vForums Support :: System Improvements :: Testimonials :: I'm ECSTATIC!!! - View Topic
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I'm ECSTATIC!!! (21st Jan 08 at 8:47am UTC)
I have to say this is awesome ROSS!!!! I went to eCreations and had seen the advertisement and clicked on it and i wanted to see what one of these was like and wow they are really what everyone on proboards have been wanting! the merging of thread, and easy setup for resizing the forum and everything, this setup is so much nicer in fact i am thinking about transferring all of my proboards forums into one of these forums! And what is seven greater is how you made everything a lot more compatible with things, like how people can code there own info center with htlm and the same with there mini-profiles...this is awesome....and yes i'm really happy because of the infor center i have been working on is compatible with these types of forums..but that leaves a question Ross..you do realize that doing this it will do one of two thing, either force proboards to step up and advance at a faster rate or that everyone from proboards is going to convert over...either way your going to end up making proboards your rival...well good luck and an awesome job..i really cant wait to see how this forum setup is going to tern out..but there is only one server for now isn't there?
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Re: I'm ECSTATIC!!! (21st Jan 08 at 10:08am UTC)
There will be rivalry with any forum provider - it's what is inevitable with a system this good {Wink}

I believe that there are two servers - one for forums and a separate one for this place. Ross will confirm it though {Smile}
Re: I'm ECSTATIC!!! (21st Jan 08 at 10:14am UTC)
ya i noticed because theres no server number...and ya there might be two servers because of the co.uk..but ya....so what exactly to all extent can this system support, it is obvious that is can support a lot more then proboards, but thats got me wondering...especially...if done write this new forum setup and run one heck of an rp...


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Re: I'm ECSTATIC!!! (21st Jan 08 at 10:26am UTC)
There will be rivalry with any forum provider - it's what is inevitable with a system this good {Wink}

I believe that there are two servers - one for forums and a separate one for this place. Ross will confirm it though {Smile}

We still have 2 servers but one hasn't been performing well recently so is now only used for emails. This forum (and a couple of others) run a beta version of the software but (at the moment) are on the same physical machine as all other forums. Having said that though, if this rate of growth continues (which it should do given our upcoming skin competition) then it won't be too long before we will need to setup a new server to host more forums {Smile}

Re: I'm ECSTATIC!!! (21st Jan 08 at 10:33am UTC)
I'm not sure if i'm suppose to post this here, because i think i just found a glitch...it says Ross posted but when i click into here i only see the posts by me and Graham...i tried logging out and back in and i still see nothing and it still says Ross as posted.

Edit: NVM as soon as i posted this it showed up..

Also Ross...how much is there in coding from this forum setup from a proboards..because i noticed that the random affiliate code i asked you for wont work now...
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Re: I'm ECSTATIC!!! (21st Jan 08 at 10:41am UTC)
There is a difference in PB codes to vF codes, as different classes are used - ask in the coding board and someone will edit it for ye {Smile}
Re: I'm ECSTATIC!!! (21st Jan 08 at 10:44am UTC)
ok will do...


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Re: I'm ECSTATIC!!! (21st Jan 08 at 10:45am UTC)
Posted By dog199200 on 21st Jan 08 at 10:33am
I'm not sure if i'm suppose to post this here, because i think i just found a glitch...it says Ross posted but when i click into here i only see the posts by me and Graham...i tried logging out and back in and i still see nothing and it still says Ross as posted.

Edit: NVM as soon as i posted this it showed up..

Also Ross...how much is there in coding from this forum setup from a proboards..because i noticed that the random affiliate code i asked you for wont work now...

My post not showing only occurred because I posted from a different copy of the source code (one with it's own separate caching system) which I've been working on optimizing. I'm now using the correct method of posting and as such this will show up fine.

If you're entering any code directly into the info center then you need to be aware that all line breaks are removed. This means that <!--, --> and // cannot be used in the code as they'll comment out the entire thing.

Edit: As Graham said, if you need any more help with it then the coding boards will be the best place {Smile}

Re: I'm ECSTATIC!!! (21st Jan 08 at 10:50am UTC)
ah ok i'll try that, sorry i posted in code support beofre i read this

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Re: I'm ECSTATIC!!! (21st Jan 08 at 4:42pm UTC)
I'm pleased that you enjoy it so much! {Smile}
Re: I'm ECSTATIC!!! (21st Jan 08 at 9:35pm UTC)
ya i've been making forums for a while now and its just that vF has stuff that i've been wanting to see in proboards..and i dont think i ever will or at least not for a long time.
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Re: I'm ECSTATIC!!! (21st Jan 08 at 11:27pm UTC)
Posted By dog199200 on 21st Jan 08 at 9:35pm
ya i've been making forums for a while now and its just that vF has stuff that i've been wanting to see in proboards..and i dont think i ever will or at least not for a long time.

vForums approaches upgrades differently than other forum providers. Rather than adding one giant update at a time, smaller updates are added to the test server, then converted bit by bit. This also decreases the amount of bug testing needed after each upgrade. {Wink}

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.
Re: I'm ECSTATIC!!! (21st Jan 08 at 11:40pm UTC)
ah ok well cool..i still cant wait to see how at the end it will all turn out..maybe it will compare to a VBulletin...but it in the end a vF would be better because its free lol
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Re: I'm ECSTATIC!!! (22nd Jan 08 at 1:36am UTC)
Posted By dog199200 on 21st Jan 08 at 11:40pm
ah ok well cool..i still cant wait to see how at the end it will all turn out..maybe it will compare to a VBulletin...but it in the end a vF would be better because its free lol

VB isn't an overly great forum system in my opinion, so I would hope VF isn't compared with VB [except if it's looking at how much better VF is. {Wink} ]

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.
Re: I'm ECSTATIC!!! (22nd Jan 08 at 2:13am UTC)
well its a better system then some that i have seen at least the free ones...but i have to say that this forum would be better then a VB if it could adapt a real RPG system like VB can...but for the price of this forum and what it can do is what make it great so far.
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