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[.tR] ookie1
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Setting up vF on my own server and domain (18th Jun 09 at 11:07am UTC)
Hey Guys,

I'm bringing back Teen Revival, but this time with a domain and my own hosting.

I just wanna know if it's possible to set it up on my own hosting and domain like SMF?

Thanks for any assitance!

Kind Regards,


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Re: Setting up vF on my own server and domain (18th Jun 09 at 12:24pm UTC)
Unfortunately half of what you want to do isn't possible.

vF is a remotely hosted service, therefore you are unable to download it and host it yourself. However, don't worry, you are able to direct your URL to your forum for a one-off fee of [I think] £3. Of course this will make it seem as though the forum is indeed hosted on your own server/space.

If yo uhave any further questions do let us know! {Smile}



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Re: Setting up vF on my own server and domain (18th Jun 09 at 4:06pm UTC)
Hi James,

Because of the way the vForums system is coded, it is designed to host thousands of forums on one server, not just one. Because of that, plus various security/copyright issues which would arise we cannot have the system hosted on servers which we do not control.

However, as Michael mentioned, we do offer a domain hosting service where your own domain (or sub-domain) can be used as the forums URL. This has a one off setup fee of £5.

More information can be seen at: http://shop.virtualforums.co.uk/?section=domain

- Ross

[.tR] ookie1
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Re: Setting up vF on my own server and domain (18th Jun 09 at 10:28pm UTC)
Thanks guys, but that's a bummer...

Guess I'll use SMF... {Tongue Out}


Hallelujah! 'tis done; I believe on the Son; I am saved by the blood of the Crucified One!

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Re: Setting up vF on my own server and domain (18th Jun 09 at 10:57pm UTC)
Thanks guys, but that's a bummer...

Guess I'll use SMF... {Tongue Out}

Is there any reason that you'd rather host it yourself? {Smile}


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Re: Setting up vF on my own server and domain (18th Jun 09 at 11:21pm UTC)
Thanks guys, but that's a bummer...

Guess I'll use SMF... {Tongue Out}

Your choice. We're a remotely hosted service so it really wouldn't make sense to have anyone be able to host our code.

But like Wrighty asks, is there a particular reason you feel you need to host it yourself? Our domain hosting functionality would completely mask the fact it's hosted on our server (all links etc. would use your domain name) if that's what you're concerned about. {Unsure}

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