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Smileys (26th Jan 10 at 4:26am UTC)
Ok, so you have the UBBC where you can change the colour of it, so what about the smileys? I think that would be great as it would match the forum as well as it'll be easier on the ones that can't find, or make their own smileys. Like have them the original, but able to change the colour of them. and would it be possible to add your own colours like you can for group members? Like if a colour I want is not available I can put in a hex colour I want and it'll be that. If you can't do that, then that's fine.
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Re: Smileys (1st Feb 10 at 8:57pm UTC)
I like this idea. The default emotes are great, but it would be awesome to have color sets so that way we can match the forum themes as well.

I'm not that handy when it comes to emotes, so this would be a great addition.

Re: Smileys (2nd Feb 10 at 12:46am UTC)
I can see a problem with this. How hard would it be to add animation to a large solid state images compiled of multiple images {Confused} i'd imagine it be rather hard to do
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Re: Smileys (2nd Feb 10 at 1:12am UTC)
I like the idea in principle, but currently that's about as far as it goes. I'd have to consult with Ross as to the complexities.
Re: Smileys (2nd Feb 10 at 1:30am UTC)
{Tongue Out} i think the most complex part would be adding animated smileys XD other then that it be basically duplicated the setup for the ubbc buttons {Tongue Out} Copy, Paste, and some minor editing for functions XD


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Re: Smileys (2nd Feb 10 at 9:48am UTC)
I've no idea how well animated gifs can be created dynamically, or if it is even possible {Unsure}

However we could offer a choice of colours (all manually created) to match the UBBC buttons:


BTW. I'm presuming we're talking about these smilies? Image Image Image etc.

Re: Smileys (2nd Feb 10 at 10:10am UTC)
its possible, but each image would have to have its animation build for every single frame, and the frame rate for each smiley would have to be exactly the same {Unsure} its more difficult to do then impossible
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Re: Smileys (5th Feb 10 at 5:12am UTC)
I've no idea how well animated gifs can be created dynamically, or if it is even possible {Unsure}

However we could offer a choice of colours (all manually created) to match the UBBC buttons:


BTW. I'm presuming we're talking about these smilies? Image Image Image etc.

yeah, a predefined set wouldn't be to bad to see, and yes those ones. {Tongue Out}
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