dog199200 Guest | Whos Viewing The Board (6th Mar 08 at 8:36pm UTC) | | Yay i might have a suggestion that for the first time in a long time may be put to use, can you please put in a system so that it shows at either the top of a board or the bottom of the board while in the boards, and it will tell you whom is all viewing the board? Please I can find this useful to find out where my members are mostly attracted to in my boards. | |
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pmwww | Re: Whos Viewing The Board (6th Mar 08 at 9:32pm UTC) | | Personally I find this to be an invasion of privacy. If it just shows the number of members in the board, or if one can opt-out of being visible within a boad, then I'm all for it. | |— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends. |
dog199200 Guest | Re: Whos Viewing The Board (6th Mar 08 at 9:50pm UTC) | | ya having it so they can chose to be seen works as well. | |
Graham Support Administrator
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pmwww | Re: Whos Viewing The Board (6th Mar 08 at 10:21pm UTC) | | I think a "who's viewing" one, with usernames etc was discussed a while back but rejected. If it were one saying how many members/guests were viewing then i can't see a problem with that | |
dog199200 Guest | Re: Whos Viewing The Board (6th Mar 08 at 11:04pm UTC) | | it already says how many people are viewing the board, but on the main page, unless i'm thinking proboards,,,so adding something like that would be pointless... | |
Marc vChat Developer
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pmwww | Re: Whos Viewing The Board (7th Mar 08 at 3:25am UTC) | | You say the reason this suggestion would be helpful is to see which parts of your forum are getting the most activity, which is exactly what showing the number of people in each board does; I seem to miss how it would be pointless based on your point for getting this added. | |— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends. |
dog199200 Guest | Re: Whos Viewing The Board (7th Mar 08 at 3:30am UTC) | | i was mistaken it was proboards that had the see how many people are viewing it thing, i thought vforums did it two, so in that case it would work as well. | |
Tim Senior Member
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pmmsn | Re: Whos Viewing The Board (7th Mar 08 at 3:31am UTC) | | Plus, it's not like there would be a counter that showed how many times that section was viewed and if it was viewed by Guest, members or staff.
While I wouldn't mind having it show the number of pple viewing it, I also think it's a bad idea, mainly because if you see someone viewing that area, than you mite expect them to post (if guest posting is on, or if it's member) and I kinda like it where you have no idea when a post will be made.
Overall I am undecided on this, think more about this, I must. | |
dog199200 Guest | Re: Whos Viewing The Board (7th Mar 08 at 3:35am UTC) | | if it does get added then it should be blocked from going up with guests | |
Marc vChat Developer
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pmwww | Re: Whos Viewing The Board (7th Mar 08 at 3:36am UTC) | | if it does get added then it should be blocked from going up with guests
Or why not make it all admin choice?
They can choose to count members/guests/both, can choose to enable it, etc. | |— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends. |
dog199200 Guest | Re: Whos Viewing The Board (7th Mar 08 at 3:36am UTC) | | that would work | |
Ross Administrator
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pmwwwgtalkvForum | Re: Whos Viewing The Board (8th Mar 08 at 12:16pm UTC) | | If implemented it should't treat members or guests any differently. The only reason for it (as far as I can see) is to give an indication of which parts of the forum recieve the most visitors.
As for how to implement it, I can think of a couple of ways it could be built into the system along with the previous suggestion of viewing who is where. I'll have a further think about it. | |
CåñåÐå™ Full Member
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pmwww | Re: Whos Viewing The Board (8th Mar 08 at 12:39pm UTC) | | Why not have it so only the admin can view the usernames at the buttom of each thread page ? | |
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dog199200 Guest | Re: Whos Viewing The Board (8th Mar 08 at 7:39pm UTC) | | or as said before having it where people can decide if they want their name to show up and everyone can see whom is viewing the board unless the person sets it not to....and wow that can out horrible, but yes the staff only things would work great to, it would work for what i would need it for | |