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Re: Local Time In Profile (11th Dec 07 at 12:35am UTC)
If he wouldn't, i would {Unsure}

Us grammar nazi's have to stick together {Tongue Out}

Sure, why not. {Confused}
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Re: Local Time In Profile (11th Dec 07 at 12:39am UTC)
Ah, i see now {Smile} That'd be a nice addition {Smile}

The reason I want this added is because sometimes on other forum providers [Mainly Proboards], if I need to speak to a certain member, but don't know where they live, I have no idea what time to be on at to talk to them.

Aye, good darts there. Would it be easy to implement?

Since each user's time must be grabbed from the database when showing times on the forum, and since a user's row in the database must be accessed in order to show his/her profile, then I'm sure it would be very easy for Ross to implement. {Smile} I don't think it would make any change to loading times or anything like that, either. {Wink}

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.


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Re: Local Time In Profile (11th Dec 07 at 1:15pm UTC)
Ah, i see now {Smile} That'd be a nice addition {Smile}

The reason I want this added is because sometimes on other forum providers [Mainly Proboards], if I need to speak to a certain member, but don't know where they live, I have no idea what time to be on at to talk to them.

Aye, good darts there. Would it be easy to implement?

Since each user's time must be grabbed from the database when showing times on the forum, and since a user's row in the database must be accessed in order to show his/her profile, then I'm sure it would be very easy for Ross to implement. {Smile} I don't think it would make any change to loading times or anything like that, either. {Wink}

I don't know, it could end up tippling loading times {Tongue Out}

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I <3 Rossy

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Re: Local Time In Profile (12th Dec 07 at 1:48am UTC)
Your server must suck, then. {Tongue Out}

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.
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