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The Directory (23rd Jan 10 at 12:46am UTC)
I don't need much opinions on this. Besides the boards. I think the skin is flawless IMO it matches up with the sites skin.


Thanks. {Smile}
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Re: The Directory (23rd Jan 10 at 5:40pm UTC)

    Here are a couple things I don't like so far.

  • The banner looks like it could be fixed. I don't really like how the reflection went the gradient inside it. The border around it looks kind of weird too.
  • Might want to fix the new and old icons. The reflection really doesn't help it.
  • The Header/Footer probably should be changed. Sorry I just don't like those bar things =\.
  • Might want to make new smilies.

    Here is what I like.

  • The background image looks pretty good. I always liked those pixel gradient type backgrounds.
  • The UBBC icons. They are just grayed out mostly but they look nice.
  • The menu icons are great IMO. It is the only blue on the forum though. Kind of weird unless you make bluer on and off icons or smilies.

    I would probably give this forum a 7.9/10 {Smile}
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Re: The Directory (25th Jan 10 at 8:29pm UTC)
The banner is supposed to be like that. It's unique and does not look like the rest of the web 2.0 sites. {Smile} The new/old icons do look odd indeed. But I'll probably improve on it later. The Head/Base images go with the banner/border around forum. That's if I knew how to make smileys. {Tongue Out} if Ross doesn't mind me using his smileys, I would change them. {Smile}

The UBBC match the color of the forum. again if Ross lets me use his smileys then it would be matching. {Smile}

Thanks for the rating. Didn't really need an opinion on the skin, just the boards, on how I can improve on them.

The Forum matches up with the site. Just like how vFS and the main site is.

If you click on the banner in my signature it'll take you to the site, and not the forum.
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Re: The Directory (25th Jan 10 at 9:23pm UTC)
The website doesn't load. Sorry I forgot to read the post =\
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Re: The Directory (26th Jan 10 at 4:05am UTC)
Seems to be a problem with everyone. {Unsure} I'll talk to my host and see what's up, as I can see it just fine.

Could you try http://thedirectory.co.nr ?
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Re: The Directory (26th Jan 10 at 9:21pm UTC)
Still doesn't work.
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Re: The Directory (27th Jan 10 at 3:25am UTC)
Alright, thanks. I just replied to my host's support, and they said it's the end user, as Host2x is fine. {Tongue Out} So I'll try working on it.
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Re: The Directory (29th Jan 10 at 10:03pm UTC)
It's working now. {Cheesy} But just wondering, why would someone want to go to the directory when there is already an official one.
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Re: The Directory (29th Jan 10 at 11:34pm UTC)
I think the banner could be improved by working on the reflective text - think of how a reflection would work - each reflection would come straight from the source so try moving the reflected text closer to the source text - even if it means adding the 'y' as a new layer to make it work.
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Re: The Directory (30th Jan 10 at 5:19am UTC)
It's working now. {Cheesy} But just wondering, why would someone want to go to the directory when there is already an official one.

What vF's Directory? lol, no. This is for ALL and any sites/forums from and service provider. {Tongue Out}

I think the banner could be improved by working on the reflective text - think of how a reflection would work - each reflection would come straight from the source so try moving the reflected text closer to the source text - even if it means adding the 'y' as a new layer to make it work.

But that would mean I'd look like the rest of them, which I want to be unique with the reflection, even though yes it looks odd. But it's different. {Smile}
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