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Im here to bring some life (29th Jul 10 at 2:49pm UTC)
Heyo everyone!

Wrighty told me to join and bring some life to the support forum. my name is Justin i'm from Ohio and i like to rant about myself {Tongue Out} . I am also attempting to code (which i may so is an epic fail atm) {Smile} .

I'm interested to know about everyone else =D

Recoding the future

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Re: Im here to bring some life (29th Jul 10 at 5:14pm UTC)
Hai. I'm Wrighty - you know about me! {Tongue Out}
Re: Im here to bring some life (29th Jul 10 at 5:47pm UTC)
Hello, i'm a monkey from mars coming to take over your planet {Tongue Out} Dwights the name and computer programming is the game. {Tongue Out} Nice having you here at vForums
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Re: Im here to bring some life (29th Jul 10 at 7:48pm UTC)
I'm the awesome one.

That's all you need to know.
Re: Im here to bring some life (30th Jul 10 at 2:16am UTC)
I'm the awesome one.

That's all you need to know.

he lies! don't believe him! XD
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Re: Im here to bring some life (30th Jul 10 at 3:13am UTC)
Think of Graham as VF's cheerleader. {Wink}

I am Marc. Hear me roar.

That is all. {Grin}

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.
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Re: Im here to bring some life (30th Jul 10 at 8:38am UTC)
Think of Graham as VF's cheerleader. {Wink}

Rah Rah skirt optional {Cheesy}
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Re: Im here to bring some life (30th Jul 10 at 12:46pm UTC)
Think of Graham as VF's cheerleader. {Wink}

Rah Rah skirt optional {Cheesy}

Pom-poms, however, are mandatory. {Tongue Out}

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.

Recoding the future

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Re: Im here to bring some life (30th Jul 10 at 1:03pm UTC)
Think of Graham as VF's cheerleader. {Wink}

Rah Rah skirt optional {Cheesy}

Pom-poms, however, are mandatory. {Tongue Out}

As is videoing it! {Smile}
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Re: Im here to bring some life (30th Jul 10 at 10:56pm UTC)
lol, you all seem like nice people {Tongue Out} . still waiting to meet ross though, heard hes a pretty nice guy. {Smile}
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I <3 Rossy

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Re: Im here to bring some life (30th Jul 10 at 11:31pm UTC)
Hey Justin, I heard you were wanting to meet me! {Smile}

Oops, wait...what account am I logged into? Nooo, my secret is known! {Shocked}

*Runs to the Rosscave and jumps in the Rossmobile*

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.
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Re: Im here to bring some life (31st Jul 10 at 2:45am UTC)
Better get posting.


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Re: Im here to bring some life (31st Jul 10 at 10:24pm UTC)
lol, you all seem like nice people {Tongue Out} . still waiting to meet ross though, heard hes a pretty nice guy. {Smile}

It's all lies! {Angry}

Well, maybe not all of it. The stuff about them being nice people is partly true, for some of them anyway...

Hey Justin, I heard you were wanting to meet me! {Smile}

Oops, wait...what account am I logged into? Nooo, my secret is known! {Shocked}

*Runs to the Rosscave and jumps in the Rossmobile*

What good is a sidekick who steals your car? {Sad} I hope you're insured. And try not to press the little red button.

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Re: Im here to bring some life (31st Jul 10 at 11:15pm UTC)
lol, you all seem like nice people {Tongue Out} . still waiting to meet ross though, heard hes a pretty nice guy. {Smile}

It's all lies! {Angry}

Well, maybe not all of it. The stuff about them being nice people is partly true, for some of them anyway...

Hey Justin, I heard you were wanting to meet me! {Smile}

Oops, wait...what account am I logged into? Nooo, my secret is known! {Shocked}

*Runs to the Rosscave and jumps in the Rossmobile*

What good is a sidekick who steals your car? {Sad} I hope you're insured. And try not to press the little red button.

lol, nice to meet you too {Tongue Out}

but i did hear you were one of the nicest guys, cant remember where, but i heard it {Angry} .

I will start posting tomorrow {Cheesy}
Re: Im here to bring some life (1st Aug 10 at 4:13am UTC)
lol, you all seem like nice people {Tongue Out} . still waiting to meet ross though, heard hes a pretty nice guy. {Smile}

It's all lies! {Angry}

Well, maybe not all of it. The stuff about them being nice people is partly true, for some of them anyway...

Hey Justin, I heard you were wanting to meet me! {Smile}

Oops, wait...what account am I logged into? Nooo, my secret is known! {Shocked}

*Runs to the Rosscave and jumps in the Rossmobile*

What good is a sidekick who steals your car? {Sad} I hope you're insured. And try not to press the little red button.

I'm on the not nice list right {Wink} XD

Edit: I don't get it, how am i still on the top posters list and yet I never post XD XD
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