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This topic was locked 20th Dec 09 at 6:49am by ashkir
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Clan Layout Header (28th Jul 08 at 6:18pm UTC)
Unfinished :(
Today out of boredom, I decided to design since I'm feeling a bit better ( I've been sick. ) I was looking around deviantArt to get inspired, and I figured I'd try my best at a Clan Layout using a screen shot I myself took from Halo.

Here's the result:

If you look in the link it says 'finish.' On my .psd it says 'FINISH' which is just a little reminder to finish it {Tongue Out}

Also if anyone is wondering..

It took me around 50 minutes to create this. That's going by how big my play list is, and my play list ended right when I saved. Also, this piece has 22 layers, and 3 groups.

C&C is appreciated {Wink}


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Re: Clan Layout Header (28th Jul 08 at 9:16pm UTC)

You've have improve greatly from the last web design I've saw from you. The banner shape is the same from your others but it works fine in this piece. The menu gradient is hawt, and so is the menu buttons.

I think you should lower the menu text just a tad bit and some for the lighting in the menu buttons. And then have the rollover buttons the opacity you have now. Banner is great, maybe try sharpening and blurring out some of the parts? I dunno, it's up to you.

btw I also thought you hated Halo. {Confused}
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Re: Clan Layout Header (28th Jul 08 at 10:55pm UTC)
I don't HATE Halo, it's just over rated =/ Oh, and thanks for the C&C, I'll probably do that once I go to finish it.


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Re: Clan Layout Header (29th Jul 08 at 8:35am UTC)
One thing that I don't like about this piece, even though it's a fantastic header piece is that - well, you've created the pwnage effect really well. However, you have the lighting on the buttons, but nothing above the buttons either.

To me, that looks really weird towards the left of the banner, however, any clan that plays Halo would be proud to have this as their banner TBH. It's a fantastic piece.

Your lighting does need fixing, but that's the only thing about it really. The shadows on the car aren't there or are in the wrong places. You have an explosion from behind you, so by all means the car should have some form of shadow on it {Tongue Out}

The fade is well done, since I'm swapping windows I thought it was a mistake until I re-opened it {Tongue Out} It looks really nice. The sci-fi theme that you have going with the sleek black is fantastic.


Since this is such a fabulous piece, I would extend the banner and create an entire forum based on the theme {Tongue Out} It's well done, I must say.

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Re: Clan Layout Header (29th Jul 08 at 11:38pm UTC)
To have that come from you means a lot to me {Tongue Out} I might consider making it into a forum template, who knows.

As for the shadows on the car, I didn't change the picture too much. I set up a wall of explosions, and drove into it on Halo and then took a screen shot in the Theater mode. The only thing I've done to it is sharpened/blurred, and faded.

Thanks for the C&C {Grin}


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Re: Clan Layout Header (30th Jul 08 at 9:49am UTC)
Then Halo's shadows are wrong {Tongue Out}

I do mean what I said with the leetness of that banner, it is superb, only problem is that I don't play Halo {Tongue Out}

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Re: Clan Layout Header (11th Aug 08 at 11:13am UTC)
Then Halo's shadows are wrong {Tongue Out}

I do mean what I said with the leetness of that banner, it is superb, only problem is that I don't play Halo {Tongue Out}

Where is the shadow wrong :/

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