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This topic was locked 20th Dec 09 at 6:50am by ashkir
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Prolific (2nd May 08 at 9:25am UTC)
When it comes to designing, just how "prolific" are you?

When you get an idea for a piece in your head, do you find that you can make it in a quick time, or do you find that you'll spend hours trying to find the right colours/blending options to make something work?

Personally, i wish i was a lot more prolific - i find the later in the evening i work the better i get but it can still take me quite a while to get an idea off the ground {Sad}

Discuss, yo {Smile}
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Re: Prolific (2nd May 08 at 5:55pm UTC)
I have an idea in my head, but i just can't find a way to design it.

Re: Prolific (2nd May 08 at 6:13pm UTC)
I think it just depends on the design and possibly what kind of mood I'm in. I think I'm a little too picky. I go through various layers, different blend modes, different brushes, etc. testing to see if they look good or not. I could have a piece almost done and then think ... it's missing something ... and then I'll end up taking another half hour trying out things to attempt to find what it is that I think is missing. And half the time, I end up deciding not to add anything else to it.

With, for example, the graphic worm images that I've done (35 images so far), only once have I ever submitted an image that I really didn't feel I put enough time or effort into it although I spent a good amount of time on it. I just couldn't seem to make it better, no matter what I tried. Of course, sometimes I think if you do things too quickly they won't be as good as if you took more time to make things right.
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Re: Prolific (2nd May 08 at 11:55pm UTC)
How long did some of those worm images take you, out of interest? {Smile}
Re: Prolific (3rd May 08 at 3:57am UTC)
How long did some of those worm images take you, out of interest? {Smile}

I'm not sure of exact time but I know that a few took me anywhere from 1 to 2 hours if I worked on it non-stop. There has been at least once that I started one on one day and had to kind of give up on it for the time being and wait until another day to finish it. If I get to the point that I become frustrated, I have to take a break from it and go back to it another time. More often than not by the time I go back to it I find it easier to finish.

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Re: Prolific (3rd May 08 at 7:36pm UTC)
I usually take days to finish a template from conception to delivery. I keep changing things and get really fussy and then dreggie has to beat me with a frying pan saying stop already! {Tongue Out}

really I am slow and trouble is I procrastinate a lot!
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