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Re: Mage Designs Skin. (14th Dec 07 at 3:41am UTC)
Well they told me to change the banner, Mainly Cr0w, he said its to repetitive, so I changed the banner, and I had to make the wallpaper edges a bit farther from the boards as the banner area for some reason over laps it even the the banner area is the same size 700. I use 1024x768 Res. This is still in testing, but I did open it up for new people to join.
TNR looks better the way the skin is imo. I tried Verdana and Arial, didn't look good.

EDIT: Besides the Ads would over lap it if I made it a little more smaller.
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Re: Mage Designs Skin. (14th Dec 07 at 4:41am UTC)
I think the second banner would look nicer, although randomizing between the two would also look pretty sexy. {Wink}

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Re: Mage Designs Skin. (14th Dec 07 at 4:51am UTC)
What Kind of Editing?


bit more gradients, like i saw on a thread on proboards, grey is an awesome color for skins, and always, always, and ALWAYS, go with a glossy look. {Tongue Out}
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Re: Mage Designs Skin. (14th Dec 07 at 6:43am UTC)
could do with some editing, we need sunjo here.....

Sunjo isn't the be all, end all of Forum Skinning. {Tongue Out}

He's only good at one type of skinning anyway. {Wink}

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Re: Mage Designs Skin. (16th Dec 07 at 1:20am UTC)
What Kind of Editing?


bit more gradients, like i saw on a thread on proboards, grey is an awesome color for skins, and always, always, and ALWAYS, go with a glossy look. {Tongue Out}

How do I make it glossy, I am a Semi-No0b, I only know a few things about design, thats why when I get out of high school, I will be going to college for web design.

Stinky!! Whats up? Sorry I havn't been on your forum in awhile been to busy.
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Re: Mage Designs Skin. (16th Dec 07 at 2:10am UTC)
A simple way to make something look "glossy" is to make something a solid colour, then create a new layer, set the opacity to about 30%, and draw a white rectangle that covers the top half of the solid colour. {Smile}

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.
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Re: Mage Designs Skin. (16th Dec 07 at 2:23am UTC)
Oh so what you mean is the shiny part, like eyes in a cartoon show, or Manga. I can try it, I use Paint Shop Pro 9 so Im not sure how to do that.
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