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Mage Designs Skin. (12th Dec 07 at 5:01am UTC)

I need some GOAYB about my skin, can any one tell me what needs to fix.

This is just the pre release Version of the skin, If I could get some Opinions about this skin, what I should change, and what ever else the real skin will be made.

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Re: Mage Designs Skin. (12th Dec 07 at 5:48am UTC)
could do with some editing, we need sunjo here.....

overall it is pretty good.
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Re: Mage Designs Skin. (12th Dec 07 at 5:49am UTC)
What Kind of Editing?

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Re: Mage Designs Skin. (12th Dec 07 at 11:02am UTC)
*gets his FTA rating hat and starts working*

As a start, it's not bad. The one major problem is that everything is too similar to everything else: the BG, the gradients, the table cells, the banner...they're all identical in their design and in my view does mae the forum look a bit repetitive. I think if you perhaps changed the background design to something a bit...plainer, as it were then there'd be better results - perhaps use the blue aspect slightly more sparingly? I'd like to see something a bit "more" done with the banner too, the text style suits the forum, but it needs something else, that "wow" factor that forums are searching for more nowadays.

Of course, as it's still in development it's hard to be comprehensive about a rate {Tongue Out} But i'll do another if you want when it's completed, taking into account everything else {Smile} .
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Re: Mage Designs Skin. (12th Dec 07 at 3:56pm UTC)
Thank you. My real site is here. http://magedesign.co.nr That is the real forum. of Mgae Designs.
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Re: Mage Designs Skin. (12th Dec 07 at 8:29pm UTC)
I have to agree with Graham here. Everything seems far too repetitive. {Unsure}

One thing I noticed, though, is that your banner overlaps the background image by about 2px; might want to fix that. {Wink} Also, I think you should put your background to only repeat vertically; since right now it looks a little odd, since it repeats on the left & right. {Unsure}

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Re: Mage Designs Skin. (12th Dec 07 at 10:02pm UTC)
I am Using my old skin for now. I am Going to be doing the boards now.
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Re: Mage Designs Skin. (13th Dec 07 at 8:57pm UTC)
I have updated the skin, and it looks good, though I think more needs to be added. What do you think?
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Re: Mage Designs Skin. (13th Dec 07 at 9:03pm UTC)
It's still a bit repetitive for my liking. Perhaps change the menu's background colour, give the banner a different background than the forum's background, and use rounded on/off icons rather than square. {Smile}

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Re: Mage Designs Skin. (13th Dec 07 at 9:05pm UTC)
You mean for the Menu change the gradient color?

Would repetitive mean same color same design?
and if I have same Design though Different color would that change the repetitiveness?

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Re: Mage Designs Skin. (13th Dec 07 at 9:08pm UTC)
You mean for the Menu change the gradient color?

Would repetitive mean same color same design?
and if I have same Design though Different color would that change the repetitiveness?

It is partly the colour, since you use the same shade all over the forum. {Unsure} Perhaps do some darker/lighter shades for certain things, and try to incorporate a different pattern into some of the backgrounds of your images. {Smile}

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.
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Re: Mage Designs Skin. (13th Dec 07 at 9:13pm UTC)
Ive already got the on/off done



Ive made 2 sets of banners, tell me what you think is the best one and I will add that one to the forum I think the first banner looks good.

Banner 1:

Banner 2:

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Re: Mage Designs Skin. (13th Dec 07 at 11:01pm UTC)
Out of the two, i'd say the second one. I'd also get rid of the copyright from it, as you can always add that to the bottom of the forum.
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Re: Mage Designs Skin. (14th Dec 07 at 3:08am UTC)
Yeh but see The copy right is what protects my Images from being stolen. Back 5 years ago on Proboards, some one had stolen a banner of mine, and my Forum's name, and built a website, and took all my Ideas, so now I put copyright on my material now. BTW I see allot of Designing forums putting their forums name on their work anyways.
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Re: Mage Designs Skin. (14th Dec 07 at 3:35am UTC)
could do with some editing, we need sunjo here.....

Sunjo isn't the be all, end all of Forum Skinning. {Tongue Out}

Eh, looks like it could use some work. Banner doesn't really fit in with the rest of the skin. Background just looks like two stripes either side of the boards. Either make them go all the way to the edge (I assume they do for you, but for people with larger resolutions they don't) or make it flow the the background color better. The black you've used for the background color is too dark. A gray color would be better suited in my opinion.
What about getting some gradients rather than just having that area the same color as the Windowbg.
Lastly, what's with Times New Roman? Verdana or Arial would look much better at those sizes.


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