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Re: Internet in real world? (17th Jan 08 at 3:01am UTC)
Most people think I helped negotiate the Google acquisition of YouTube, or something equally ludicrous.

I rarely take the time or effort to point out I just shoddily program, and offer my services as lexicon nazi.

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Re: Internet in real world? (17th Jan 08 at 3:07am UTC)
I tend to keep them separate.

I don't mind releasing information about myself online, though only about two of my friends even know I have a website, and they don't know what it is. I'm not afraid that people online will try to steal my identity or stalk me, but I'm not about to give away extremely specific details about myself.


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Re: Internet in real world? (17th Jan 08 at 7:45am UTC)
Most people think I helped negotiate the Google acquisition of YouTube, or something equally ludicrous.

I rarely take the time or effort to point out I just shoddily program, and offer my services as lexicon nazi.


You mean you didn't? {Shocked}
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Insane Clown


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Re: Internet in real world? (17th Jan 08 at 11:57am UTC)
Most people think I helped negotiate the Google acquisition of YouTube, or something equally ludicrous.

I rarely take the time or effort to point out I just shoddily program, and offer my services as lexicon nazi.


You mean you didn't? {Shocked}

No, but it's a common misconception. You see, I actually only helped write the software running Google.

It's different.

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