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Firefox 4 (27th Mar 11 at 4:06pm UTC)
I've just installed it and have been having a play with it. So far, I'm pretty impressed. I've always found firefox to be a pretty slow & heavy browser. But this latest version seems to be working a lot quicker and smoother.
The real test will be if it will install & run properly on my office PC (it has never got on with Firefox in the past). But if it will, then it may actually get me to use it for more than the bare minimum of testing. At the moment all I really use is Google Chrome.

Anyway, with so many new browser versions coming out at the moment has anyone else been tempted to change their browsing habits?

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Re: Firefox 4 (27th Mar 11 at 5:15pm UTC)
I agree! It's surprisingly light and fast. However ,I miss Google Chrome's browser control.

However, Firefox 4 seems to be lighter on my system with several tabs then Chrome, so I think Firefox may itch its way back to my heart.

Now if only Opera can make their browser 50% lighter in speed.


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Re: Firefox 4 (27th Mar 11 at 5:24pm UTC)
I had noticed recently that Chrome starts to struggle when you have a lot of Tabs/Windows open. I thought it was just my computer though.

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Re: Firefox 4 (27th Mar 11 at 6:19pm UTC)
Each chrome tab seems to be using more and more memory for the longer you have it open now.
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Re: Firefox 4 (27th Mar 11 at 8:53pm UTC)
I can't install Fx4. But I have been having no issues with chrome though. I always have 5 tabs open for at least a good 12-15 hours a day. Now i'm listening to streaming music, and it seems fine. {Tongue Out} The reason why I can't install Fx4 is because I am on Ubuntu. {Tongue Out} I mean I can install it, but I have to go another way to do it, and I do not feel like doing it. {Tongue Out} So I'll wait for 11.04. {Tongue Out}
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Re: Firefox 4 (27th Mar 11 at 10:35pm UTC)
I'm struggling to see the hype, to be honest :/ sure it's good, but it just seems like a large bow down to Chrome with a lot of similar features. Am i the only one?


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Re: Firefox 4 (27th Mar 11 at 11:24pm UTC)
I'm struggling to see the hype, to be honest :/ sure it's good, but it just seems like a large bow down to Chrome with a lot of similar features. Am i the only one?

That is true, most of the bits I've seen so far and have thought "Great, they've improved that" have been things which Chrome did ages ago. Things like being able to drag out a tab into it's own window (Fx 3 could do this but not very well), pin tabs or generally streamlining the UI. I just think it's good that Fx seems to be catching up again so that I once again have a choice of browser.

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Re: Firefox 4 (28th Mar 11 at 3:22am UTC)
I can't install Fx4. But I have been having no issues with chrome though. I always have 5 tabs open for at least a good 12-15 hours a day. Now i'm listening to streaming music, and it seems fine. {Tongue Out} The reason why I can't install Fx4 is because I am on Ubuntu. {Tongue Out} I mean I can install it, but I have to go another way to do it, and I do not feel like doing it. {Tongue Out} So I'll wait for 11.04. {Tongue Out}

You open terminal and type sudo apt-get install firefox-4.0 --upgrade ...takes the same amount of time as any other OS? {Tongue Out}

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Re: Firefox 4 (29th Mar 11 at 7:19pm UTC)
Oh I did not know that. Well I went back to windows anyways. {Tongue Out} Got IE9, Fx4, and all the latest browsers. {Tongue Out} Still Chrome > All. {Tongue Out}

IE9 is ok, Fx4 isn't that special, looks like Chrome, and acts like Chrome/Opera. {Tongue Out}
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