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Re: MacBook = Purchased. (25th Nov 10 at 8:57pm UTC)
Did you know the manufacture of the MacBook is the same folks whom make Dells, Toshibas, Compaqs, Gateways? {Tongue Out}

And? Mars are owners of both things like Mars Bars, M&Ms etc as well as Sheba cat food {Tongue Out}

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Re: MacBook = Purchased. (25th Nov 10 at 9:55pm UTC)
On a slightly more topical note, my MacBook was supposed to arrive today, but according to UPS' tracking page it was just picked up from Apple about 2 hours ago. The new ETA is sometime tomorrow, but then again it should've already been here by now, so we'll see if it holds up.

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Re: MacBook = Purchased. (26th Nov 10 at 1:43am UTC)
Really? Better late than never.
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Re: MacBook = Purchased. (26th Nov 10 at 4:33am UTC)
Really? Better late than never.

But better earlier than later, too. {Tongue Out}

EDIT: So this morning (Friday), I promised myself that I wouldn't check the tracking page today, because (as I'm sure you all know) that would just make the day feel a lot longer than it really is. But, as I'm sure you can also relate to...I checked. The current status is "Out For Delivery", which means that my new laptop could potentially be sitting at my house RIGHT NOW! Gahh! My 8-hour work day has just turned into a 15-hour work day. {Sad}

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Re: MacBook = Purchased. (26th Nov 10 at 10:03pm UTC)
Really? Better late than never.

But better earlier than later, too. {Tongue Out}

EDIT: So this morning (Friday), I promised myself that I wouldn't check the tracking page today, because (as I'm sure you all know) that would just make the day feel a lot longer than it really is. But, as I'm sure you can also relate to...I checked. The current status is "Out For Delivery", which means that my new laptop could potentially be sitting at my house RIGHT NOW! Gahh! My 8-hour work day has just turned into a 15-hour work day. {Sad}

Ahh yeah, and lol! well eventually oyu will get it, not sure what time it is for oyu right now, but you are probably getting close to being done too. {Tongue Out}
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Re: MacBook = Purchased. (27th Nov 10 at 1:36am UTC)
Alright, so time for the pictures I promised (being posted from my MacBook, woohoo!)

Image Image

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Re: MacBook = Purchased. (27th Nov 10 at 10:23am UTC)
Sexy. Still think the aluminium one would have been sexier {Tongue Out}
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Re: MacBook = Purchased. (27th Nov 10 at 3:35pm UTC)
Sexy. Still think the aluminium one would have been sexier {Tongue Out}

Same, but they're being lame and not making it an option on the regular MacBooks anymore. {Sad}

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Re: MacBook = Purchased. (27th Nov 10 at 8:53pm UTC)
Ohhh!!!! Smiley Love it!! {Grin}

So it's the plastic one? {Sad} I love the aluminum one. My friend has that one, and I Smiley it! I want it so bad! But he doesn't let anyone use it, and what's funny, he used to be like Broken (Wesker) and hate apple. Now he loves it. XD

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Re: MacBook = Purchased. (29th Nov 10 at 1:27pm UTC)
My aluminium one says that yours looks less sexy! {Wink}

{Tongue Out}
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Re: MacBook = Purchased. (29th Nov 10 at 4:41pm UTC)
my ugly windows XP desktop says mine is sexiest out of every computer {Smile}
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Re: MacBook = Purchased. (29th Nov 10 at 11:55pm UTC)
My aluminium one says that yours looks less sexy! {Wink}

{Tongue Out}

Lets double-team him - aluminium Macbooks together {Cheesy}
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Re: MacBook = Purchased. (30th Nov 10 at 3:11am UTC)
My aluminium one says that yours looks less sexy! {Wink}

{Tongue Out}

Lets double-team him - aluminium Macbooks together {Cheesy}

I'll just run outside until I find an area with a low WiFi signal, then you'll be beaten because the aluminium ones get less signal range! {Tongue Out}

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.

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Re: MacBook = Purchased. (30th Nov 10 at 3:20pm UTC)
My aluminium one says that yours looks less sexy! {Wink}

{Tongue Out}

Lets double-team him - aluminium Macbooks together {Cheesy}

I'll just run outside until I find an area with a low WiFi signal, then you'll be beaten because the aluminium ones get less signal range! {Tongue Out}

Then I'll beat you with the metal case! (:
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