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I <3 Rossy

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Re: Post your desk area. (6th Feb 11 at 7:32pm UTC)
Marc what is your job like what do you do? ;p

Quite a wide range of things, actually, haha.

My official job title is either Chief Technology Officer or Chief Information Officer (the two terms are fairly interchangeable), which is a fancy way of saying that I head up the tech department. The company owns a chain of online retail stores, as well as worldwide dealer networks and a small retail outlet in the city. My job involves maintenance/development of the various websites/servers (which are hosted with RackSpace) as well as the internal sales server which we host in-house. I also take care of the hardware side of things, such as upgrading computers or expanding our local network. At the moment there's only one other tech employee to who I delegate tasks when needed, but this spring I'll be training another tech employee to take the reigns when I leave.

I also do freelance work on the side, which is nice because I can work from bed. {Tongue Out}

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.
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Re: Post your desk area. (7th Feb 11 at 12:45am UTC)
Ah knew you did something.

Anyway so now I have a question I'm going to take Network Communications Technology next year for my Junbior year then senior year (which sounds like something you do) for my Junior Year I learn to build/repair computer , configure operating systems , and work in a helpdesk. Senior year we learn to configure/program routers and switches setup/adminster network systems, design/setup wireless networks. Just wondering if a job like this is actually "worth it" or if its something I will regret? As I only get one chance to do what I want, and Just because I know you will ask yes I am interested in stuff like that but question if its going to be any good.
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I <3 Rossy

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Re: Post your desk area. (7th Feb 11 at 2:34am UTC)
Ah knew you did something.

Anyway so now I have a question I'm going to take Network Communications Technology next year for my Junbior year then senior year (which sounds like something you do) for my Junior Year I learn to build/repair computer , configure operating systems , and work in a helpdesk. Senior year we learn to configure/program routers and switches setup/adminster network systems, design/setup wireless networks. Just wondering if a job like this is actually "worth it" or if its something I will regret? As I only get one chance to do what I want, and Just because I know you will ask yes I am interested in stuff like that but question if its going to be any good.

This is getting fairly off-topic, so if you want to talk more in-depth about it feel free to shoot me a PM or make a new thread about it. {Wink}

As a quick answer to your question, however, it sounds like the course you'll be taking covers a wide range of things that would be good stepping stones for quite a few specific fields related to technology. Since technology's not going away any time soon, I'd say it's a pretty secure field to get into. {Tongue Out}

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.
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Re: Post your desk area. (7th Feb 11 at 8:38am UTC)
Hahaha. My desk has dishes on it now. I collect them for a few days. Then clean it.

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