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Re: PHPBB.COM Hacked. (6th Feb 09 at 11:03am UTC)
Yeah.. {Unsure}

Most likely I'm sure vF is un-hackable, and I know PB is defiantly not hackable. But allot of these open source forums, are sure to be hacked more then the non open sourced forums.

If someone is determined enough they can hack into anything.

It is sad that some people get enjoyment from doing these things.

Re: PHPBB.COM Hacked. (6th Feb 09 at 12:42pm UTC)
Yeah.. {Unsure}

Most likely I'm sure vF is un-hackable, and I know PB is defiantly not hackable. But allot of these open source forums, are sure to be hacked more then the non open sourced forums.

Both PB and vF are far from being un-hackable dude. I know a lot of people that could do it is they wanted to take the time to do so.

Side Note: Don't get my wrong hacking is bad in most cases, but not all the time, for example I "used to" hack to get "code fragments" (not whole codes, just functions) and it makes a very good way to learn how to program.

Over all i'm surprised PHPBB wasn't hacked up until now, its a very open service, just like SMF and vB, if you know the software and have a fair coding knowledge of php they are easy to hack.
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Re: PHPBB.COM Hacked. (6th Feb 09 at 2:00pm UTC)
@ Blanka - Oh I see. But how come many people failed to hack PB, even when they "actually" tried?

@ Ross - Yeah it is sad. But some hacking can be good. Like making "Trainers" (A trainer is a computer Game hack where you can get unlimited health, experience points etc.) for games like Halo, Final Fantasy VII/VIII, Crysis, etc. But only computer games. Some "Trainers" my firewall/anti-virus program "COMODO". Sometimes shows that it's a virus, but in many cases it's not. Now if you see Keylogger or something else other then seeing "Hack Tool" then you know that trainer is bad.

@ Dwight - I see, but checking out a page's source code is considered hacking? Or is that not what you mean?


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Re: PHPBB.COM Hacked. (6th Feb 09 at 2:00pm UTC)
I hacked one of our university's information systems before {Tongue Out} . Some random security flaw with the way querystrings are handled. I didn't take advantage of course... reported it and it was fixed pretty quickly. I'm not that kind of person {Tongue Out}

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Re: PHPBB.COM Hacked. (6th Feb 09 at 2:09pm UTC)
Ahh then your a White Hatter Fru Fru {Grin}
Re: PHPBB.COM Hacked. (6th Feb 09 at 2:26pm UTC)
@ Dwight - I see, but checking out a page's source code is considered hacking? Or is that not what you mean?

no I don't mean the source code (not in the aspects of view source anyways) at all, i'm talking backing into the server and getting file fragments, though i've only ever done it to people I know, never anyone I haven't also I found out the cpanel ain't that hard to hack considering Charles Stover hacked into mine... {Tongue Out} and you'd be surprised how easy it is to rig a poll in a phpbb forum {Smile}
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Re: PHPBB.COM Hacked. (6th Feb 09 at 5:03pm UTC)
Dwight it wasn't the forum software that was hacked exactly, it was their PHPList their mailing list that had over 400,000 people there. People constantly use the same passwords everywhere hence associated with email and or username.
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Re: PHPBB.COM Hacked. (7th Feb 09 at 4:23am UTC)
I won't lie, hacking is a lot of fun to play around with. There are games built around it.

It's like a giant word puzzle, or logic puzzle, or any other game like that. It's entertaining in its challenge. Destruction isn't fun, but seeing if you can beat it is.

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