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Questionnaire (9th Dec 08 at 11:59am UTC)
Something Stupid
Ok, so I'm flying to the states for a school excursion in early January. Anyway, tonight, we got all the forms for our entry/departure.

In order to enter USA you have to answer this questionnaire about your previous experiences and what you intend to do in USA and stuff like that. Standard procedure right? Well, while every country has one, I think the USA outright wins as the most retarded survey that I have ever seen.

Here is question C) from the questionnaire.

C) Have you ever been or are you now involved in espionage or sabotage; or in terrorist activities; or genocide; or between 1933 and 1945 were involved, in any way, in persecutions associated with Nazi Germany or it's allies?
Yes or No

A little over the top? I mean, if you are a terrorist are you really going to tick yes? There are other stupid questions like:

Have you ever held a US citizen against his or her will?

etc, etc, just retarded things like that. I don't think that anyone will ever tick Yes to any of the questions asked, whether or not they are true. They were just so downright stupid... seriously, whoever wrote this immigration policy should be killed IMO.

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Re: Questionnaire (9th Dec 08 at 1:30pm UTC)
whoever wrote this immigration policy should be killed IMO.

Uncalled for. You know that.

I don't really see the point of adding those questions in, you have a point that people wouldn't tick those boxes even if they had been a part of a something like that. I'm sure if they really wanted, they could check the CRB (or the equivalent for that country) to check someone's history.
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Re: Questionnaire (9th Dec 08 at 3:13pm UTC)
I never even herd of that..

Well I really can't say anything because I am a Native. {Tongue Out}
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Re: Questionnaire (10th Dec 08 at 1:11am UTC)
Some people will answer those questions as a joke which will be a bad idea. Also when you sign the contract you promise all information above is true. If you did commit an activity you said no to they can slam you even harder in international court.

In my opinion England's Oxford has the oddest questions. College App test: If you need to poison a human without police finding out, how would you do it?
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Re: Questionnaire (10th Dec 08 at 3:53am UTC)
o_0 that's a weird question.
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Re: Questionnaire (10th Dec 08 at 5:21am UTC)
Yea, and why would a terrorist who is conducting terrorist activities care about international court? They are going to blow things up anyway.

Not only that, but to check someone's history without consent (which is not given on the immigration form) is a violation of privacy.

But I mean, all those questions are like that. It's stupid imo.

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Re: Questionnaire (10th Dec 08 at 5:32am UTC)
As far as i know, it gives them the ability to arest you under suspicion easier. Because its a legal statement and if they have any connection you can get a warrant. 'or' is used alot so that makes it even more felxabile reason.

Suspect: "you didnt ask if i was a terrorist before letting me into your country...so your fault!"

Court: "ermmm"

so they ask. then they can imprison them even if they did nothing, but DO have a background. They lied and can hold a sentence.


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This commotion makes me blind
Searching out who ever runs
Or has stolen away my life

But i've already said

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