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Re: vForums Sexy New Skin (17th Nov 08 at 7:40am UTC)
I use it ALL the time {Grin} I Smiley vForums {Grin}

What vForums or the skin?

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Re: vForums Sexy New Skin (17th Nov 08 at 7:44am UTC)
I think its better then the default anyways {Tongue Out}

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Re: vForums Sexy New Skin (17th Nov 08 at 8:32am UTC)
looks ok... Few things such as icons to sort.

Also, I fear it might be a little too late! {Sad}

You sound overtly certain there. {Rolleyes}

VF is growing slowly but steadily. This is just another phase.
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Re: vForums Sexy New Skin (17th Nov 08 at 9:00am UTC)
I actually talked with Ross about this at some point. Though you wouldn't be able to guess, registrations to vF are actually increasing. The Support community just isn't.

The Support community != VF.

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Re: vForums Sexy New Skin (17th Nov 08 at 9:38am UTC)
The support forum is only here for people to use when they need it Wrighty - it isn't an indicator of the activity of the service. Please Wrighty, have all the facts at hand before you publicly criticise.


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Re: vForums Sexy New Skin (17th Nov 08 at 10:04am UTC)
From what I've seen, fewer people are using vF than in the past. Had this skin been done earlier, more people would have stayed.

Not overly keen of it either! {Unsure}

I think the problem here is, you've not seen anything. Unless you somehow have access to my site statistics, but if that were the case then you'd see that vForums, as a service, continues to experience steady growth. I don't think the support forum can or should be used as an indication of that. Surely it's a good sign that so few people have to come here asking for help?

To everybody else, thanks for your comments {Smile}



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Re: vForums Sexy New Skin (17th Nov 08 at 12:05pm UTC)
Ross is right, VF is just much easier even for the average n00b.

Before you know it big forums will start popping up bringing in a whole group of new members ^^


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Re: vForums Sexy New Skin (17th Nov 08 at 6:35pm UTC)
I already got a few people convinced about vF {Grin}

She won't transfer her biggest forum here, because that has over 200 members, with over 7,912 posts and 812 threads made, in only a year and 6 months, with allot of members kinda active.

But her lesser forum will be transferred.

@Ross: I have notticed the increase of forums being made in a month. That is awesome.

Now I tried out almost all forum service. Almost all of them are not as easy nor flexible as vF is. So that means, I will stay with vF as long as it lives out for years, and many more to come.
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Re: vForums Sexy New Skin (17th Nov 08 at 10:00pm UTC)
I like it, it's very nice - although I do prefer the previous one if I'm really honest.

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