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vForums Support :: General :: General :: Rock the Vote - View Topic (Page 2 of 2)Page: 1 2
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Question: Who would you vote for?
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McBama / Paden[] (0 Votes / 50%)
Obacain / Bilin[] (0 Votes / 50%)
Re: Rock the Vote (7th Nov 08 at 4:26pm UTC)
Our founding fathers were treasonous. Doesn't that set a good example for us. {Tongue Out}
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Re: Rock the Vote (9th Nov 08 at 2:43am UTC)
Treason is a crime in any country you live in {Tongue Out} It's just against the government, not against the monarchy (though it's original definition was against the monarch).

But I would hardly doubt that mouthing off a government official would cause an arrest. Then the news and I think every comedian in the world would be in jail...

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