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Re: A Big Forum (25th Aug 08 at 6:40am UTC)
Well now, as I said - a design site with a premade skin is not idea at all. You will find that design sites with a premade skin or a terrible skin often fall on their face.

SSDs skin was good for it's time, no denying that - it's been outdated for at least 2 years now, while it's still sexy for PB standards, its not hawt compared to IPB standards really. Thats one thing, the standard of PB is falling with people using worse and worse skins, to say that SSD has a hawt skin, is fine, if you are comparing it to only PB skins - compared to a lot of IPB or paid for forums... no way is SSD's that great a skin anymore.

I did find that with mD, that the skin was part of the community really, people loved the skins that mD made - so, we continued with it. While you guys keep saying that the community is most important and it is. There is no denying it, but how do you begin that community? You have to get people ATTRACTED to your site. Easiest way to do that is to make it damn sexy. It's like, if you were single, and you saw Jessica Alba walking stark naked down the street or some chick that was good, but wasn't Jessica Alba, who would you more likely chase?

Same applies, people are more likely to register to a forum if it looks good. So while to SUSTAIN a forum, the community is important with competitioins etc, something to keep people wanting more. The skin is what INITIATES the community.

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Re: A Big Forum (30th Aug 08 at 8:04pm UTC)
SSD's last 2 skin's they have used on there forum was the best when they first released it. After few month's or even a year, there skin is old new's. Yet the skin is still cool looking and designed well, but new designers have popped up and created some amazing ones.

I'm sure there new one will blow our sock's off cause i know there last ones did.

The designs don't make the forum get huge, but the content does. Trying to keep the forum active and yet achieve a good ranking in search engines is hard. Most forum admin's create a forum thinking it'll be huge like the other's. Takes a lot of work to get a forum well known, and of course grow huge.

I like designs that are not over done but yet eye catching and easy to look at. Some skins cause the forum to load slow cause of all the coding that's with the skin. Give me a fast forum and i'll stick around forever. lol

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