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Dream Corporation / Business (28th Jul 08 at 8:45pm UTC)
If you can get an unmetered amount of funding to set up a business that you will need to get up and running within a few years what business would you set up? Why? What are your goals?

Myself I want to set up an Opera Hall. o_O. Unique building design, beautiful inside design, a few sky boxes, all seats with a great view. Perhaps only 250 - 500 seats. The stage of course, large, and a large backstage with several storage rooms, and break rooms, etc.

Not only the opera hall will only be for plays and opera, I feel it should be a centre for the Classical Arts of the world. It may not be world renowned, but a figure of culture, a lost culture. I even tried to start websites and forums on the classics before to see them all fail and people laugh because they say the classics are dead.

I have a huge amount of respect for the classics, and I feel this may be one of the best ways to show the world it. But most opera halls charge a large amount for their tickets. o_O.

So if I use a base of 75 dollars for a basic ticket, average of three shows a week, this brings in 5850000 flat. If I have eighty employees and pay them an average salary of 50000 a year this leaves me at 1850000; budgets for customes, etc, so about a million left. This can be invested in other things. Now I'm thinking of the possibility of having them all serve food in the lobby during intersessions, etc. If I drop the price further down, bring in advertisers if anyone is interested.

A lot of classical art halls cost a fortune to get attendance to, I would like to change that.
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Re: Dream Corporation / Business (29th Jul 08 at 8:57am UTC)
Research Lab tbh.

I'm interested in Health sciences, so, if I conducted a lab with every facility required, then, paid a team of 10 scientists + myself to conduct research into viruses, then we could cure a lot of the viruses out there.

If you don't know, there are 4 types of things that cause disease, only a few have cures:

Prions - No cure
Virus - No cure
Bacteria - Partial Cure
Macroparasite + Fungi - Cures.

So, for instance, the common cold is a Virus. It's incurable, so, if I could develop the cure for the common cold, make it so that it only lasts 1 year before you have to get another one, charge $1 per person..

theres 6billion people in the world {Tongue Out} WHO (World Health Organistion) would immunize those in developing countries, so... $6,000,000,000 /year sounds nice to me {Tongue Out}

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Re: Dream Corporation / Business (29th Jul 08 at 7:58pm UTC)
Research Lab tbh.

I'm interested in Health sciences, so, if I conducted a lab with every facility required, then, paid a team of 10 scientists + myself to conduct research into viruses, then we could cure a lot of the viruses out there.

If you don't know, there are 4 types of things that cause disease, only a few have cures:

Prions - No cure
Virus - No cure
Bacteria - Partial Cure
Macroparasite + Fungi - Cures.

So, for instance, the common cold is a Virus. It's incurable, so, if I could develop the cure for the common cold, make it so that it only lasts 1 year before you have to get another one, charge $1 per person..

theres 6billion people in the world {Tongue Out} WHO (World Health Organistion) would immunize those in developing countries, so... $6,000,000,000 /year sounds nice to me {Tongue Out}

So you're saying if you could develop cures for diseases that would last a lifetime you'd dumb down the effects to only last one year, for nothing more than personal gain? {Unsure}

Sounds evil to me... {Unsure}

Personally, I would start a charity. {Smile} Well, I suppose if I had unlimited funds I wouldn't really need to; I would just drop billions of dollars all over the world, especially in the countries that need it, as well as sending people along to teach those in the struggling countries about economics and house building, etc. so that rather than us helping them each other and them becoming dependant, we teach them to become independent and create comfortable lives for themselves with the knowledge of how to do it. {Smile}

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Re: Dream Corporation / Business (29th Jul 08 at 9:46pm UTC)
Research Lab tbh.

I'm interested in Health sciences, so, if I conducted a lab with every facility required, then, paid a team of 10 scientists + myself to conduct research into viruses, then we could cure a lot of the viruses out there.

If you don't know, there are 4 types of things that cause disease, only a few have cures:

Prions - No cure
Virus - No cure
Bacteria - Partial Cure
Macroparasite + Fungi - Cures.

So, for instance, the common cold is a Virus. It's incurable, so, if I could develop the cure for the common cold, make it so that it only lasts 1 year before you have to get another one, charge $1 per person..

theres 6billion people in the world {Tongue Out} WHO (World Health Organistion) would immunize those in developing countries, so... $6,000,000,000 /year sounds nice to me {Tongue Out}

So you're saying if you could develop cures for diseases that would last a lifetime you'd dumb down the effects to only last one year, for nothing more than personal gain? {Unsure}

Sounds evil to me... {Unsure}

Personally, I would start a charity. {Smile} Well, I suppose if I had unlimited funds I wouldn't really need to; I would just drop billions of dollars all over the world, especially in the countries that need it, as well as sending people along to teach those in the struggling countries about economics and house building, etc. so that rather than us helping them each other and them becoming dependant, we teach them to become independent and create comfortable lives for themselves with the knowledge of how to do it. {Smile}
/clap 'teach' wise choice. We should teach them how to fish instead of giving them to fish. That is the only reason I hate charities on the most part, they just "give" when we could be teaching them to be a modern country.
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Re: Dream Corporation / Business (30th Jul 08 at 1:23am UTC)
When I graduate I'm actually planning on starting one.

Giving them food doesn't help them, just prolongs their suffering. Giving them houses doesn't help them, it just gives them more places to run down.

Teaching them how to grow food helps them, teaching them how to get the materials for houses and then build them helps them, teaching them about the economy and trading helps them.

Teach them how to survive comfortably in today's world, then give them the resources such as money so that they can get themselves started. {Smile}

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Re: Dream Corporation / Business (30th Jul 08 at 9:53am UTC)
Giving them things is actually detrimental... I find from personal experience, that when people are given things, they end up more screwed up than the people that have to work for what they get.

That sounds harsh, I know, these people need help, but as was said - giving doesn't help..

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Re: Dream Corporation / Business (30th Jul 08 at 8:46pm UTC)
Giving them things is actually detrimental... I find from personal experience, that when people are given things, they end up more screwed up than the people that have to work for what they get.

That sounds harsh, I know, these people need help, but as was said - giving doesn't help..
I actually was thinking kind of like the flu vaccine, it has to be updated every year due to evolving strains. XD
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Re: Dream Corporation / Business (30th Jul 08 at 9:58pm UTC)
I'm working on one at the moment, trying to get a foundation laid. It's a free association of writing forums and e-communities that team up to give back. They sponsor events to benefit a group of carefully chosen charities.

I had an idea for the main event of the organization, a yearly fundraiser in which 24 hours of literary entertainment, including writing workshops with published authors and prominent members of the literary community, contests, and other similar fun.

I'm hopelessly idealistic. {Tongue Out}


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Re: Dream Corporation / Business (30th Jul 08 at 10:02pm UTC)
to be honest. the best way to solve most poverty is to build a damned factory or something in the country. They work to build it - getting paid or supplies in return. They then use the factory. That means they have jobs, and can work for things. Who knows, perhaps they could PRODUCE the fishing rods?


I have lots of ideas - some that will come to fruition! {Smile}
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Re: Dream Corporation / Business (30th Jul 08 at 10:13pm UTC)
If I had UNLIMITED funding I'd have 2 businesses.

My first one would be small design business. Most of the money would be able to be spent once, and then saved. All that would really be needed would be a nice, somewhat big building, plenty of room, and offices. Desktops, and laptops. Software, and hard ware. Just the needed stuff. Probably other random stuff like a break room and what ever as well {Tongue Out} Also on the side, I'd offer lessons in designing and what not. If not very cheap, they'd be free.

The second would be something in the music industry. I'd probably have a recording room for either my own personal use, or to put out other people. Most of the funds, like last time would pretty much be spent all at once then saved.


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Re: Dream Corporation / Business (2nd Aug 08 at 4:14am UTC)
A datacenter with subdivisions for different types of hosting and markets. 1000's of servers, racks, cables, computers, it makes me excited thinking about it now {Tongue Out} I hope to one day be able to start my own datacenter but it's ridiculously expensive.


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Re: Dream Corporation / Business (2nd Aug 08 at 7:06am UTC)

So, for instance, the common cold is a Virus. It's incurable, so, if I could develop the cure for the common cold...

First off, members of the Picornaviridae and Coronaviridae mutate rapidly, generating tons of different strains. How would you cure it? Also, the common cold is usually fought off within 3-4 days in a healthy adult so its not really a big deal. I think a vaccine would be a better thing to figure out than a cure.

I'd love to have a research lab to work on cancer, leukemia to be precise. I plan to start my PhD next year so hopefully I'll be on my way.

Other than that, I would love to own a chain of music retail stores selling CDs and DVDs and stuff. {Cheesy}
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Re: Dream Corporation / Business (2nd Aug 08 at 7:34am UTC)
Note the common cold, I'm aware that viruses do mutate rapidly, though, thats not the reason why they are incurable.

They are incurable because they aren't actually alive. You require 5 things to be alive, transpiration, respiration, reproduction, eating and excreting... A virus only reproduces so at the moment, everything that people throw at viruses is to stop them reproducing.

However, that is the plan for curing a virus. If they are mutating, the genetic sequencing in their coils of DNA that float around within the stupid procaryotic cell would have to be similar. Thus, there would have to be a common polypeptide/neucleotide that would be susceptible to something that we can throw at it.

Besides, if you do have your masters/honours in whatever, then you would realise that you can't define what a healthy human being is (as you attempted to do so in your post!) as health is dependant upon the person's normal state of being which may be what you would consider unhealthy.

The cure for the common cold would be fantastic, I know from personal experience that it takes up to 3 weeks to shake it, thats probably because I'm under a fair amount of stress with my HSC upcoming etc, I'd hate to think how stressful you would be with a mortgage to pay off, a family to take care of etc, etc. The stress making the immune system depressed so that the response time taken on your T-Cells and B-Cells is severely lacking - hence, when a NORMAL (not healthy) adult contracts the viral strain of the common cold, it can take months for them to shake it fully.

So, instead of trying to supress the reproduction of the virus, I think that if there was some way to break it down as well as neutralising the anti-gen it produces (even when it's dead) would be handy. If you look at the structure of the T-cell (m) and the phagocytes that neutralise the cold, you could work out how these critters kill it, I mean, the phagocyte engulfs it - then it just dies. So maybe, if you could look at the chemical reactions occuring as the phagocyte neutralises the virus before exctretion, you could somehow replicate that in the form of a tablet that would contain billions of T-Cell (m) that have been exposed to the common cold strand with a bunch of molecules or ionic structures that replicate what the phagocyte does.

Once the drug for the common cold is found, then you could just replicate the process with the other strands. If you are really intelligent then you could possibly predict future strands.

Theres a Thesis for your phD {Tongue Out} Take it before I start mine and I'll slit your throat lol.

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Re: Dream Corporation / Business (2nd Aug 08 at 7:35am UTC)

So, for instance, the common cold is a Virus. It's incurable, so, if I could develop the cure for the common cold...

First off, members of the Picornaviridae and Coronaviridae mutate rapidly, generating tons of different strains. How would you cure it? Also, the common cold is usually fought off within 3-4 days in a healthy adult so its not really a big deal. I think a vaccine would be a better thing to figure out than a cure.

I'd love to have a research lab to work on cancer, leukemia to be precise. I plan to start my PhD next year so hopefully I'll be on my way.

Other than that, I would love to own a chain of music retail stores selling CDs and DVDs and stuff. {Cheesy}
Isn't the cure rate of leukemia over 95% now? Medical technology now compared to what it once was is simply amazing.
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Re: Dream Corporation / Business (2nd Aug 08 at 7:37am UTC)
Depends on what type you are talking about. The leukemia isn't actually cured. It is removed from the body. As Leukemia affects the bone marrow (and essentially your blood) to survive it requires a total bone marrow transplant which is excruciatingly painful!

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