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Making the forum active? (18th Jul 08 at 9:58pm UTC)
Hi! I am having trouble making my forum active. I've posted myself. I am the most active user there with the most posts. I have 25 members. I don't expect a lot since the forum is new, but I feel like I am failing. I can't flood the forums because that's against the rules and it just makes me look desperate. Any advice?

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Re: Making the forum active? (18th Jul 08 at 10:25pm UTC)
Create competitions or such things to get your members interested in the forum. Unfortunately, there's not much more you can do - perhaps send a mass PM to all your members to remind them of the forum! {Smile}
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Re: Making the forum active? (18th Jul 08 at 10:32pm UTC)
I found, when i was running my own forums that keeping the members up to date and "in the loop" with what went on was always a good thing - the "Email/PM all" feature isn't used as much as it should be IMO and a monthy newsletter can really help - even get members to contribute!
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Re: Making the forum active? (19th Jul 08 at 1:11am UTC)
I started a contest, but it's hard to give rewards on forums. There's a custom title and such, but I am not sure that'd interest a person much. :/
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Re: Making the forum active? (19th Jul 08 at 7:31am UTC)
I used to use the email all feature, but one HUGE flaw with that, is that people have to activate their emails before getting them, and since sometimes it don't go through like its supposed to. I created an email only used for my forum, I updated it when a new member joins. I have it where all my members are in a group, so that I can just put "members" in the To: field, and all the contacts of the members come up. I say its allot easier then doing it 1 member by 1 member, and it works a little bit. Ive had members that first joined my forum, made 1 post, and left, and now they are active as ever.

Forums are like theme parks, opens the first day, no one comes in, until they start noticing it, like advertisements, fliers etc.

Try advertising it an a majority of forum, not just forums that are related to your forum, but advertising forums, other forum service providers, such as PB forums, Invision forums etc, Try the topsite thing, like http://www.anime-links.com/toplist/index.php your forum may not be anime, but it still may work.

You can't just have a forum with awesome graphics, high posting, with hardly any members, and just sit there waiting, you have to take action. If you take action you get better results.

Thats it for now, just remember what I said and you should do fine.
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Re: Making the forum active? (19th Jul 08 at 9:35am UTC)
As mage said, advertise yourself.

If you know people on MSN or Yahoo/AIM etc, put it as your name. You have to get people interested in what your forum is about. That's it, people with like minds will join your forum. If you have topics and discussion that is enjoyable then they will join and post.

Sometimes, forums fail, it's the way the world works and until you get to know about how a forum works - then it's hard, it will take you several attempts to get a truly thriving forum. It took me 3 goes to get my latest forum active - before I closed it, it had over 50,000 posts and was gaining easily 1,000 everyday.

However, the problem with a really active forum is the community often goes sour (which is why I closed my last one). Fights break out as too many people congregate - therefor, I try to think of my forums in my personal interest area that I can still have a nice community going {Smile} It's good fun just developing forums, whether they are successful or not.

My suggestion is to have a go with this forum of yours for like 3 - 4 months, if it doesn't take off. Learn from what you did wrong/didn't do. Try new things with a new forum to get it going. Sometimes, forums just flop and to get away from the flopped atmosphere you need to re-create. Simple as that really.

I hope that this bit of info has been helpful {Tongue Out}

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Re: Making the forum active? (19th Jul 08 at 10:41am UTC)
I made one of my very long-term member a Co-Admin, she is very active, and she offered to help me, she practically re did my forum, made new boards, kept the same ones, moved some old ones around, and that got me 3 new members ^_^ and I am thankful I did make her co admin, as it really helped me. I was hesitant to see the new look, so I logged off for the night, and the next morning, I was like WTH!! I talked to her, and she said don't worry. and so I stopped worrying and now I am pleased. and I do not like changes, all to much, which is one of the biggest problems I have {Sad}
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Re: Making the forum active? (19th Jul 08 at 11:44am UTC)
haha {Tongue Out}

Part of the problem is finding out where to put all your boards. I've given critique on a board before that had over 80,000 posts and it scored like 4/10 from me. They said it was dying and asked for suggestions to make it popular again.

The thing that I noticed and probably many others did was that it was a graphical design board, however, I actually calculated it at about 48% of it's total post mass was in it's off topic board.

If you have a board like that, avoid doing that at all costs! It's devastating for any specialty board to have a lot or large percentage of posts in it's off topic boards which tells most people that the forum isn't that great at what they want it to do. Most people join design boards to learn or to teach design, not waffle.

However, what this forum had done was place their archive board as a sub - board. That's a popular trend to have an archive board anywhere on a forum, however, a very fatal mistake! It looks messy having the majority of posts in an archive thread as it makes the forum look unwanted or whatever else {Tongue Out}

Just some tips as well.

If you forums is specialised, place all the specialty boards at the top of your forum (under your administration section), this allows people to focus more so on the actual reason your board exists and not the random other bit.

So heres how you would lay your board out (I found through much trial and error that this is the best way to do it).

(Announcements, Suggestions/Bugs, Intro's) <--- HINT: NEVER HAVE A STAFF APPLICATION BOARD!

(E.G: Graphics Discussion, Graphic Showoff, Resources, Requests, etc).

Community Based Specialty
(E.G: Competitions, etc)

(Off Topic Boards, etc, etc).

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Re: Making the forum active? (19th Jul 08 at 12:05pm UTC)
haha waffles haha.

Yeah just like if you forum is an RP forum:

-Rules (Plot may go in there as well.)
Q & A (basically your general questions about the site )
Welcome - (very important I think every forum should have one, makes new members feel welcome to the site.)

This will take to long, so here is my site as an example: http://freunion.vforums.co.uk

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Re: Making the forum active? (19th Jul 08 at 10:47pm UTC)
You can't just have a forum with awesome graphics, high posting, with hardly any members, and just sit there waiting, you have to take action. If you take action you get better results.

I have tried taking action by updating the site and posting. I've mentioned I have a contest going to get members involved. Only one that I know of has thus far. Also, I am the only active member on their because I try to engage the members into discussion. They respond to my posts, but they don't make any threads themselves.

The only way to get members is by advertising. I have 30 members. That alone should show I have advertised.

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Re: Making the forum active? (20th Jul 08 at 2:38am UTC)
It depends what your website is about, you have to put up not only starting threads, but some starting posts, some starting resources, some starting everything.

If you have any form of resources on your forum - you must have a substantial database of them. If your forum is about reviews, you must have a substantial amount of them. etc, etc

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Re: Making the forum active? (20th Jul 08 at 4:18pm UTC)
I'd recommend trying to affiliate with other forums and advertise on other forums that are related to your website.
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Re: Making the forum active? (20th Jul 08 at 4:36pm UTC)
I'd recommend trying to affiliate with other forums and advertise on other forums that are related to your website.

But then again, if advertising on a site related to yours, you may not get all that much attention if the other site is bigger and/or more established than yours.

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Re: Making the forum active? (20th Jul 08 at 8:03pm UTC)
I'd recommend trying to affiliate with other forums and advertise on other forums that are related to your website.

But then again, if advertising on a site related to yours, you may not get all that much attention if the other site is bigger and/or more established than yours.

You have to play the numbers game with advertising. Get as much as you can for as little as possible. Affiliating may not be useful in situations for newer forums, as most forums that accept affiliates are often well established forums with high prestige. This causes the dilemma of people clicking their affiliate button and decide they like their site better than yours {Tongue Out}

Advertise in different ways, signature advertising is great - if you have any form of resources, post them on like minded forums with a link back to yours on it {Tongue Out} That's a very effective way of advertising if it's possible.

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Re: Making the forum active? (20th Jul 08 at 8:39pm UTC)
I have another question having to do with this topic. I used to have the firm belief that inactive accounts should be deleted, but this can seem to be an issue. Some people will join simply to access what they cannot. Guests can see 90% of my forum and I think it's stalkerish to join for the sake of browsing. What would be considered inactive? Sometimes things come up where you can't have the internet for a month, you're sick, there as an accident, a death, etc. where you can't always get to the computer within just a month.
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