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Re: U.S.A. Pwns lulz (5th Jul 08 at 2:12am UTC)
Wasn't the best night ever.

Went to my sister's house. She had 2 kegs of beer and invited all her creepy friends so it was weird. By 8PM they were all drunk.

I was forced to play Guitar Hero 3 in front of all the drunk people because I can play on Expert pretty well. That was really weird.

Then I went home and lit some fireworks which were all lame =.= Not a good day {Sad}


Reverse Blade
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Re: U.S.A. Pwns lulz (5th Jul 08 at 7:49am UTC)
Wasn't the best night ever.

Went to my sister's house. She had 2 kegs of beer and invited all her creepy friends so it was weird. By 8PM they were all drunk.

I was forced to play Guitar Hero 3 in front of all the drunk people because I can play on Expert pretty well. That was really weird.

Then I went home and lit some fireworks which were all lame =.= Not a good day {Sad}

At least you had fireworks, dad thought we were going to go down town to see fireworks (mom bitched last year cause we didn't) so he didn't get any and we didn't even go downtown {Rolleyes} Sister got punched by her boyfriend which made for a interesting night though {Cheesy}

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Alex Bailey
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Re: U.S.A. Pwns lulz (5th Jul 08 at 12:34pm UTC)
Wasn't the best night ever.

Went to my sister's house. She had 2 kegs of beer and invited all her creepy friends so it was weird. By 8PM they were all drunk.

I was forced to play Guitar Hero 3 in front of all the drunk people because I can play on Expert pretty well. That was really weird.

Then I went home and lit some fireworks which were all lame =.= Not a good day {Sad}

At least you had fireworks, dad thought we were going to go down town to see fireworks (mom bitched last year cause we didn't) so he didn't get any and we didn't even go downtown {Rolleyes} Sister got punched by her boyfriend which made for a interesting night though {Cheesy}

What bout rooting through each other computers while on msn {Cheesy}

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Re: U.S.A. Pwns lulz (8th Jul 08 at 7:46am UTC)
It's a day that I get to make fun of people on England all I want because we pwned your King George {Cheesy}


I find that quote very funny. I know I'm late with this reply however, here is a bit of a history lesson for you!

Great Britain would have kicked America's ass for the independance war if it wasn't for the French which came to America's aid as it was having quarrels with England at the time (how do you think you got the statue of liberty?).

So technically you didn't pwn King George at all, in a one on one match at this time period King George's Navy would have shat all over the U.S.A's basically non - existent one... Again before landing an army on the shores and nailing the yanks {Tongue Out} . Just thought I would like to point that out - being a history freak to see incorrect statements makes me angry.

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