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Re: FireFox 3 Download Day (17th Jun 08 at 11:24pm UTC)
I've downloaded it but haven't installed it yet. LOL
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Re: FireFox 3 Download Day (17th Jun 08 at 11:32pm UTC)
The only thing that sucks is that my favorite theme Black Japan MAX does not work, and that was the only theme I liked, now I am using Pitch black theme, which I don't like, because its not black its like a semi bleached black, I like the dark black ones. So I emailed the creator of Black Japan MAX.
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Re: FireFox 3 Download Day (18th Jun 08 at 1:38am UTC)
The only thing that sucks is that my favorite theme Black Japan MAX does not work, and that was the only theme I liked, now I am using Pitch black theme, which I don't like, because its not black its like a semi bleached black, I like the dark black ones. So I emailed the creator of Black Japan MAX.

But this is present almost every time something goes through a major update. The core foundation is streamlined to make things faster and more stable, so not everything will work right away.

Just give it some time; things will be updated. {Smile}

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Re: FireFox 3 Download Day (18th Jun 08 at 2:20am UTC)
The only thing that sucks is that my favorite theme Black Japan MAX does not work, and that was the only theme I liked, now I am using Pitch black theme, which I don't like, because its not black its like a semi bleached black, I like the dark black ones. So I emailed the creator of Black Japan MAX.

But this is present almost every time something goes through a major update. The core foundation is streamlined to make things faster and more stable, so not everything will work right away.

Just give it some time; things will be updated. {Smile}

Ohh I know this {Cheesy}
Re: FireFox 3 Download Day (20th Jun 08 at 2:23pm UTC)
I hate firefox. {Unsure}


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Re: FireFox 3 Download Day (20th Jun 08 at 3:00pm UTC)
I don't prefer Firefox but so many websites block non FF users now. ><'

Any website which does that instantly blocks ~ 80% of Internet users.

Anyway, I've installed it on one machine (not this one) and haven't noticed any real differences. But I don't use that machine for much web-browsing anyway.

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Re: FireFox 3 Download Day (20th Jun 08 at 11:06pm UTC)
Forgot to post about this earlier; Firefox beat the record, getting an approximate 8.3 million downloads; far greater than the 1.5 they'd hoped for. {Grin}

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.
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Re: FireFox 3 Download Day (21st Jun 08 at 5:21am UTC)
Posted By ajay on 20th Jun 08 at 2:23pm
I hate firefox. {Unsure}

Why do you hate it? and IE has to many security errors. Just browsing the internet caused me a virus. At least my Norton blocked it. Then another time someone tried to hack into my computer, and Norton blocked that too. So since FF has no issues with MyYearBook, I can use FF 100% now, I made Norton Restrict IE. so now it wont even open, and I really do not care.

Forgot to post about this earlier; Firefox beat the record, getting an approximate 8.3 million downloads; far greater than the 1.5 they'd hoped for. {Grin}

YAY, Good for Mozilla!!!! Smiley
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Re: FireFox 3 Download Day (21st Jun 08 at 9:07am UTC)
Congratulations Mozilla. :]. I still prefer Opera over Firefox; but sadly noone supports the only browser that supports all web standards. :[. I use Opera for my banking, and things that need high security in my personal life over Firefox due to it being marked the safest browser by private companies.

For Firefox; I do it for rest, flash, games, movies, and one of my favorite sites.

Internet Explorer, I don't like; I got a few viruses by just browsing via it o_O.
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Re: FireFox 3 Download Day (21st Jun 08 at 9:34am UTC)

Why do you hate it? and IE has to many security errors. Just browsing the internet caused me a virus.

You got a virus just by browsing the net?! You must have been on a site that was a bit questionable for that. In fact, i don't think i've ever heard of someone getting a virus just by looking on the net. Normally it involves downloading something...
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Re: FireFox 3 Download Day (21st Jun 08 at 10:10am UTC)

Why do you hate it? and IE has to many security errors. Just browsing the internet caused me a virus.

You got a virus just by browsing the net?! You must have been on a site that was a bit questionable for that. In fact, i don't think i've ever heard of someone getting a virus just by looking on the net. Normally it involves downloading something...

I wasnt on any "bad" site of course, and I was not downloading anything. I already cleared out Norton's History, so I can not show you, but it showed C://Program Files/Internet Explorer/Plugins. and I did not download any plugins for IE. My laptop became very slow. So I shut it down and re booted it back up. I scanned, and it did say a Malicious virus was in my IE area, the same thing happened on our XP as well. and we never use IE. always FF.
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Re: FireFox 3 Download Day (21st Jun 08 at 4:09pm UTC)

Why do you hate it? and IE has to many security errors. Just browsing the internet caused me a virus.

You got a virus just by browsing the net?! You must have been on a site that was a bit questionable for that. In fact, i don't think i've ever heard of someone getting a virus just by looking on the net. Normally it involves downloading something...

I wasnt on any "bad" site of course, and I was not downloading anything. I already cleared out Norton's History, so I can not show you, but it showed C://Program Files/Internet Explorer/Plugins. and I did not download any plugins for IE. My laptop became very slow. So I shut it down and re booted it back up. I scanned, and it did say a Malicious virus was in my IE area, the same thing happened on our XP as well. and we never use IE. always FF.

As much as I dislike IE, one cannot get a virus simply by browsing the net. Something must be downloaded in order for this to happen. If the virus got through, it is Norton that missed it, not IE.

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.
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Re: FireFox 3 Download Day (21st Jun 08 at 7:46pm UTC)
Norton blocked it, but there was 6 of them, and 1 slipped through, do you know how many attacks I get? I get allot, For the life of me I do now know why. My Norton blocks all intrusions, and it blocks me for some reason too, I have yet to find that out. Like this morning I have 3 intrusions from 192.168.0.# the last single digit I will not show. but it says that it is a known signature and is attacking my computer. But yeah Ive had viruses just by browsing certain sites, like gamefaqs.com, and cheats.ugo.com/ it has to deal with the game cheats sites, but it does nothing comes up on FF saying there are viruses. and a tech specialist of my ISP told me that browsing the internet can make you open to attackers, and firewalls are defenseless to it, because cookies are logged as you know, and when hacker hack the site they get your IP address too, so then that is how you get attacked. But through Norton for some reason my IP is dynamic, so my IP changes all the time, though I look into the security records of my forum when I edit something or change something it is the same IP address. But on Norton it shows different.

EDIT:-- I do not want to start a fight, it happens to me, but it may not happen to you. So lets just drop it.
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