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Re: Gas Prices? (10th May 08 at 4:19pm UTC)
And who says that you can't get a Hydrogen car that separates water using solar electricity? {Wink}

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Re: Gas Prices? (10th May 08 at 11:09pm UTC)
People who want to make as much money as possible in their one life, and not care about what happens later.


Re: Gas Prices? (10th May 08 at 11:16pm UTC)
I want to get a special car!? {Tongue Out}
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Re: Gas Prices? (11th May 08 at 12:06am UTC)
People who want to make as much money as possible in their one life, and not care about what happens later.

Which is the opposite of what Hydrogen car producers would like to see happen. If they didn't care about the future, they'd never have made Hydrogen cars to begin with and just stuck with the greenhouse gas-emitting gasoline powered cars.

Hydrogen does require energy to separate from water, yes. However, the majority of companies that supply Hydrogen use renewable resources such as wind power or solar power. {Wink}

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.
Re: Gas Prices? (11th May 08 at 11:50pm UTC)
Again? The gas prices went up again. I just went down to new jersey and it's $4.37 there. {Angry}
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Re: Gas Prices? (12th May 08 at 6:30am UTC)
Wow 4.73 is that for Unleaded? ours for Unleaded is 3.69
Mason Fett™
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Re: Gas Prices? (12th May 08 at 8:53am UTC)
At this point, I, personally, don't think gas prices are going to drop unless the economy crashes completely.

It's to the point that I wish it would just to get it over with. {Tongue Out}

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Re: Gas Prices? (12th May 08 at 11:52am UTC)
I live in the UK and the price at last cost was about £1.20. I am 24 and now I don't want to start learning to drive.

Re: Gas Prices? (12th May 08 at 2:50pm UTC)
It's unleaded. In the US i don't think they sell leaded.
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Re: Gas Prices? (12th May 08 at 3:14pm UTC)
I was talking about both as both desial(sp) and petrol both leaded and unleaded have increased in price.

Re: Gas Prices? (12th May 08 at 5:31pm UTC)
I really think if your car uses deasil you are unlucky. It's $5.36 for one gallon now.
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Re: Gas Prices? (12th May 08 at 6:39pm UTC)
Posted By ajay on 12th May 08 at 2:50pm
It's unleaded. In the US i don't think they sell leaded.
That's right. Due to environmental laws, it's illegal to sell leaded gas in the United States as it's very bad for the ozone. I think it was in the 80s that they started making unleaded.

That's just something I remember hearing, though I don't exactly have proof of it.

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Re: Gas Prices? (13th May 08 at 8:11pm UTC)
I really hate the prices. I had to put gas in my van. It took 50 dollars! That's too much to afford! {Shocked}
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Re: Gas Prices? (16th May 08 at 2:26am UTC)
At this point, anything that can put a little bit more money back in our pocket's to get from point A to point B would help out a lot.

To save on gas, i basically just drive to work,buy food at the store and once and awhile drive to my parents house. Till some miracle happens to fix this gas price problem, we all have to find ways to cut our driving expenses's down. Doesn't matter if you drive a 4 cylinder car, with the price's getting jacked up, you'll soon be feeling a thin wallet.

I swear between, the tax's going up, gas going up, i could go bankrupt in a few year's or need to double my salary to live comfortablly. {Sad}

BTW, this morning i put $20 into my car and didn't get a half tank since my car was on Empty. Yes, i had the idiot light come on saying "get gas ya moron"

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Re: Gas Prices? (16th May 08 at 7:18pm UTC)
Right now i want to ride a pogo-stick.. {Tongue Out}
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