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Unreal Tournament! (1st May 08 at 2:43am UTC)
I want to play with and/or against some one that is on VF. Does it matter which UT version you have? if not then tell me what server you are on, and tell me what color you are. If you don't have Unreal Tournament I can give you a free legal version.

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Re: Unreal Tournament! (1st May 08 at 2:57am UTC)
I'll consider it.. Let me go check and see if my laptop is capable of running it.

My video card wont be able to handle it according to System Requirements Lab. It's not a great graphics card either, crappy Intel one. Didn't go big with it, because my mom kept telling me 'I have an Xbox for gaming.'


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Re: Unreal Tournament! (1st May 08 at 3:04am UTC)
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RYLHQM7U <-- Well this is it, and if anyone else wants to play then go ahead and get on your own or download it from the link above.
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Re: Unreal Tournament! (1st May 08 at 3:12am UTC)
I would take part but I'm too busy and I've never played UT before. Doubt there's gonna be alot of people interested in this but good luck on that.

However, if this was Call of duty 4, i would make time for it and make myself unbusy. {Tongue Out}
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Re: Unreal Tournament! (1st May 08 at 3:17am UTC)
Its just like COD4 but more unreal like ^_^; oh and here is the system requirements you don't need to worry about downloading the game after downloading it from magaupload. And also about CD its just files, and the game is located in the system file under the name unrealtournament.exe.

EDIT: Oh even though it says for System Requirements are windows 95/98/2000 and windows NT 4.0. It works awesome in XP and Vista.
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Re: Unreal Tournament! (1st May 08 at 3:41am UTC)
I'm going to download it and *attempt* to run it. It may reject me, or it may let me play with crappy graphics. Who knows {Tongue Out}

Edit: I just did the same test on Halo: CE and it told me I failed due to graphics card, but I can still play the game just fine.


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Re: Unreal Tournament! (1st May 08 at 3:45am UTC)
So you can play the game?
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Re: Unreal Tournament! (1st May 08 at 3:51am UTC)
Possibly. My graphics card pretty much met the standards it requested except it wasn't an Nvidia. I'm downloading now, but my connection is very slow so I probably wont even be able to try it tonight.


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Re: Unreal Tournament! (1st May 08 at 4:03am UTC)
ok. What type of computer do you have? and how old is it? I have Vista My laptop is a week old, and it runs it slow for some reason, I have 79.15GB and 72% left. and I dont know how it got that low, I did have 88.59, and the only thing I had added into this was PSP 9 over 100 songs from my MP3 player, and a sound enhancer. and I clear out all cache every night. Before I installed the little things I have now it was at 99.9 GB with 10% of it gone. I did have several attacks of Viruses some called (Trojan.Zlob / downloader.Trojan / Trajan.wmid) and Trajan.Zlob was the most with 5 attacks. My Norton blocked all of it, but my laptop has slown down allot ever since then.
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Re: Unreal Tournament! (1st May 08 at 11:48am UTC)
My laptop? 2 days old {Tongue Out} I have a Dell Inspiron 1720. It has nothing wrong with it other than I think I got ripped off when I bought it. Payed for 4 gigs of Ram, got 3.5, and I'll be calling in about that. I tried to play Halo CE last night, graphics were great. Only thing was, it's not a Nvidia.


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Re: Unreal Tournament! (1st May 08 at 1:45pm UTC)
I would take part but I'm too busy and I've never played UT before. Doubt there's gonna be alot of people interested in this but good luck on that.

However, if this was Call of duty 4, i would make time for it and make myself unbusy. {Tongue Out}

Awesome game man it is really good.

Anyway darkmage if you find me a portable version i will have you a game {Smile}

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Re: Unreal Tournament! (1st May 08 at 1:57pm UTC)
I would take part but I'm too busy and I've never played UT before. Doubt there's gonna be alot of people interested in this but good luck on that.

However, if this was Call of duty 4, i would make time for it and make myself unbusy. {Tongue Out}

Awesome game man it is really good.

Anyway darkmage if you find me a portable version i will have you a game {Smile}

Im not sure if there is a portable version.

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Re: Unreal Tournament! (1st May 08 at 3:23pm UTC)
My laptop? 2 days old {Tongue Out} I have a Dell Inspiron 1720. It has nothing wrong with it other than I think I got ripped off when I bought it. Payed for 4 gigs of Ram, got 3.5, and I'll be calling in about that. I tried to play Halo CE last night, graphics were great. Only thing was, it's not a Nvidia.

Sorry, you can't complain about that.

Companies are allowed 10% either way of the stated. I'm guessing they're using 1024 GB sticks. Meaning 4 of them = 408MB less than stated is allowed. Thus you can't complain! {Wink}
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Re: Unreal Tournament! (1st May 08 at 5:18pm UTC)
My laptop? 2 days old {Tongue Out} I have a Dell Inspiron 1720. It has nothing wrong with it other than I think I got ripped off when I bought it. Payed for 4 gigs of Ram, got 3.5, and I'll be calling in about that. I tried to play Halo CE last night, graphics were great. Only thing was, it's not a Nvidia.

UT isn't very powerful, you should be fine for running it.

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Re: Unreal Tournament! (1st May 08 at 6:18pm UTC)
My laptop? 2 days old {Tongue Out} I have a Dell Inspiron 1720. It has nothing wrong with it other than I think I got ripped off when I bought it. Payed for 4 gigs of Ram, got 3.5, and I'll be calling in about that. I tried to play Halo CE last night, graphics were great. Only thing was, it's not a Nvidia.

on the box and internet it said this laptop had 120 Gigs of memory, and it came with 110. But its alright, still allot.
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