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Question: How did you find us?
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Last edit: 1st Jan 70 at 12:00am by
Sig Advertisement[#######################################################] (12 Votes / 55%)
Word of Mouth[#########################################] (9 Votes / 41%)
Google[] (0 Votes / 0%)
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This topic was locked 20th Dec 09 at 6:52am by ashkir
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Re: How did you find us? (31st Dec 07 at 7:00pm UTC)
lol any forum that wrighty joins everyone else does as well {Tongue Out}

[ SkaterFly ]
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Re: How did you find us? (31st Dec 07 at 7:01pm UTC)
Wrightys sig {Wink}

Although i originally found this through someone elses sig at PBS....
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Re: How did you find us? (31st Dec 07 at 7:17pm UTC)
Does MSN count as "Word of Mouth"? {Tongue Out}


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Re: How did you find us? (31st Dec 07 at 7:19pm UTC)
lol yes! {Wink}


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Re: How did you find us? (1st Jan 08 at 1:20am UTC)
I stalk Ross all the time.


Now obsession rules my mind
This commotion makes me blind
Searching out who ever runs
Or has stolen away my life

But i've already said

Don't ever back down
Don't ever turn around
My end has come
So now I come for you....

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Re: How did you find us? (2nd Jan 08 at 12:23am UTC)
This will be hard to find on Google. You are advertising this as vForums and when someones Googles that, it's the 8th link. I guess with some good SEO, you can improve your PR to something better though. But, I think for the time being it would be better to advertise as virtual forums or something idk.

Need a Sig?
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Re: How did you find us? (2nd Jan 08 at 12:27am UTC)
hehe... I = most likely best candidate.. anything you want advertised, I can advertise it like a mofo if you want me to {Tongue Out}


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Re: How did you find us? (2nd Jan 08 at 12:30am UTC)
Go on then! >.>

And Welcome to vForums Gray! {Smile}
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Re: How did you find us? (2nd Jan 08 at 12:41am UTC)
Hah! You wish, right now tS is my main concern.. It's hard to post/design/code at the same time >.>

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Re: How did you find us? (2nd Jan 08 at 12:58am UTC)
This will be hard to find on Google. You are advertising this as vForums and when someones Googles that, it's the 8th link. I guess with some good SEO, you can improve your PR to something better though. But, I think for the time being it would be better to advertise as virtual forums or something idk.

Quite a few people have advertising banners in their sigs on PBS; this helps the SEO quite a bit, as there are more links coming to VF. {Smile}

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.
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Re: How did you find us? (2nd Jan 08 at 1:11am UTC)
This will be hard to find on Google. You are advertising this as vForums and when someones Googles that, it's the 8th link. I guess with some good SEO, you can improve your PR to something better though. But, I think for the time being it would be better to advertise as virtual forums or something idk.

Quite a few people have advertising banners in their sigs on PBS; this helps the SEO quite a bit, as there are more links coming to VF. {Smile}

Yea, def. Crow, did you dissapear for a while? I remember not seeing you online anywhere for a long stretch a couple of months ago.

Also, I am surprised you didn't IM me the link Wrighty. You always do that to me and everyone apparently.

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Re: How did you find us? (2nd Jan 08 at 1:17am UTC)
Well you weren't online...and I haven't been MSNing much unless it's people I desperately need to chat with (or that need to chat to me:P)
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Re: How did you find us? (2nd Jan 08 at 1:35am UTC)
Like ME!

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Re: How did you find us? (2nd Jan 08 at 2:04am UTC)
Crow, did you dissapear for a while? I remember not seeing you online anywhere for a long stretch a couple of months ago.

I was still around; just not as active. Lots of personal stuff to deal with lately.

rroll.to— Shorten a link, rickroll your friends.
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Re: How did you find us? (2nd Jan 08 at 2:36am UTC)
Wrighty just IMed me the link and I decided to join. {Tongue Out}

He makes me jittery. {Grin}
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